Lower meshpart sizes are needed

The current size limit of 0.2 is seriously annoying ; Most small weapon models rely on very flat parts
but Roblox’s current mesh part size limits makes those impossible :frowning2:

Also iam aware that this topic got already mentioned but i just reminder about its importance .:wink:


Mesh collisions are basically the same as Union collisions. They can be scaled but why can’t mesh :mad:

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yep exactly >-<

:cry: There is a workaround which is to use special meshes :disappointed_relieved:

although we shouldnt have to use works arounds :unamused: :dizzy_face:


The workaround is garbage. SpecialMesh don’t have material support :angry:


:disappointed_relieved: But you can always apply textures that resemble roblox materials :grimacing:

:unamused: but then they dont have normal maps or neon

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:123: But at least the small custom :hushed: weapon meshes can be made now :sick: :sob:

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not good enough, no neon = no glowing camos




[details=Well… There are ways to make both neon work on meshes + make meshes under 0.2 studs.]


I still really want the size restriction to be removed, though. Working around it is annoying.

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If you size them then make them mesh they will be <.2 but then you have to work w/ smaller parts and can’t resize them after that.

I thought roblox patched that, which is why PF no longer has proper Material support for camos.

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They just don’t know how to export right then :expressionless:


We’re looking into the possibility of lowering the limit below 0.2 but no promises.


Do unions not use the exact same physics as MeshParts? Why does one have a limit while the other one doesn’t?

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