Lower Minimum Part Density Rollout

[Update] July 8, 2024

[Update] May 22, 2024

Hi Everyone,

We have made our future minimum part density of 0.0001 available as opt-in for anybody excited to try the new air buoyancy capabilities. This enables creating exciting experiences involving lighter-than-air parts, such as hot air balloons, for aerodynamics-enabled gameplay!

We are releasing this capability via a phased rollout meant to enable eager creators to try this new minimum density while providing a buffer for creators who need to fix existing experiences that incorrectly clamp lower density values.

Phased Rollout Details

During the rollout, you will be able to control the minimum part density in your experience via the Workspace property “DecreaseMinimumDensityMode” with three options: Default, Enabled, and Disabled.

During the first phase (April 11th, 2024 - May 12th, 2024), these choices will map as follows:

  • Default = Opt-Out, minimum density remains 0.01
  • Enabled = Opt-In, minimum density will lower to 0.0001
  • Disabled = Opt-Out, minimum density will remain 0.01

During the second phase (May 13th, 2024 - June 9th, 2024), these choices will map as follows:

  • Default = Opt-In, minimum density becomes 0.0001
  • Enabled = Opt-In, minimum density will lower to 0.0001
  • Disabled = Opt-Out, minimum density will remain 0.01

Starting June 10th, 2024, you will not be able to opt-out. The minimum part density for all experiences will be 0.0001.

Who This Impacts

As mentioned in the original post, this change will affect those who set any part density to a value less than 0.01 within a script. Currently, values below 0.01 are clamped to 0.01, but with the new minimum density, these values will be set between 0.01 and 0.0001 depending on the value used within your script(s).

For example, if you currently have a part’s density set to 0 within a script, then this change will make it so that the density of that part changes from 0.01 to 0.0001, the new minimum part density. However, if you currently have a part’s density set to 0.001 within a script, then this change will make it so that the density of that part changes from 0.01 to 0.001.

Please note that these effects will only exist if the minimum part density of your experience is 0.0001 (i.e. if you opt-in during the first phase, if you don’t opt-out during the second phase, and for everybody starting June 10th, 2024).

The phased rollout is meant to help you test whether or not this change will eventually affect your experience while also giving you time before June 10th, 2024 to make any necessary changes.

Why Should You Care?

If your experience is setting the density of any part to a value lower than 0.01, then this lower minimum density will cause a change in user experience. For example, if you currently have the density of any part set to 0, then this change will make that part start floating since its density will change from 0.01 to 0.0001, where 0.0001 is lighter than the density of air (0.00129).

Identifying and Addressing Issues

A few ways to check if your experience will be affected include:

  • Setting “DecreaseMinimumDensityMode” to Enabled and playing your experience
  • Checking for the Studio warning message regarding clamping of all Physical Properties
  • Combing through all your scripts using the Find All function workflow described here

Note: if you are using any A-Chassis models and haven’t modified them already, it is likely that your experience will be affected. Read more here.

If you identify that your experience is incorrectly clamping Physical Properties, we recommend you update your scripts to specify explicit values within the current allowable bounds. This proactive approach will prevent inadvertent clamping of values during runtime.

For this specific change, all you need to do in order to keep your experience’s gameplay the same is change any lower density clamping to 0.01, the original minimum density. Read more here.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns - we’re excited to see all the creations to come from this new ability!



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physics improvements and additions always make me happy


Can you please remove or at least supress the warning that appears when the Density gets clamped to 0.01, an old game im debugging is flooding the console with this warning because it historically set the density of multiple parts to 0.

Warnings like these should appear either once, or only in Studio.


very cool, that we have more freedom for part sizing.
Also part have 2048 size limit. There’s planned to increase it?


The warning will stop reporting after 100 reports. Please keep in mind that starting May 13th, you will have to opt-out of this update to avoid any changes to your experience and starting June 10th, you will not be able to opt-out anymore.

We highly recommend that you fix this clamping and explicitly set the density to 0.01 to avoid the warning and to avoid any changes to your experience down the road.


Finally, we can stop getting flinged randomly when physics aint physicing.


Due to the fact that it’s not a Major issue, I don’t think their going to touch up on it for a while.

There’s more issues that need to be resolved right now.

But hey, they could always prove me wrong.


As I questioned in the previous announcement, does Roblox also have plans to increase the maximum limit for part density?


Hi BamSori,

As of now, we do not have plans to adjust the maximum part density since our current maximum is higher than the densest material in the real world. However, we’re always willing to hear y’all out and reconsider.
What are you hoping to achieve with a higher density that you’re not able to do now?


does it mean that fluidforces will be released soon?


I think what needs to be fixed is the quality of the physics because those who try to create physics train games always have a problem with that. We would like to have a physics like in GMOD


Will we ever be able to set physics attributes like mass and inertia tensor manually? And will we ever get an event for when two parts actually collide and the resulting the impact normal and impulse so we don’t have to keep using .Touched workarounds?


I want to create the time scale feature.
I could weld transparent parts to increase weight, but it would be better if Roblox offered a wider range of physical properties, rather than forcing the creation of cumbersome operations.

Also, in fantasy or fiction, small but very heavy objects often appear, and implementing these can be challenging.


Got it! Thanks for explaining this.

It’s super cool to see how you’re thinking about building your own Time Scale functionality. Our team is currently looking into what it’d take to provide this feature to y’all out of the box.

Regardless, I’ll bring up this request with the rest of the team and let you know if we decide to make any changes.

Thanks again for the feedback!



I recommend turning this lowered minimum into either a long-term Workspace IncreasedDensityRange property or make the change only apply to games already opted in or updated after June 10th. Games that are no longer being updated might rely on the higher density minimum and it wouldn’t be ideal to break those games.


I changed my part’s density to 0.0001, but the part still does not float. It drops down like a brick. What’s the reason?


Do you have the Aerodynamics studio beta enabled? Air buoyancy only works with it on :slight_smile:


Looks great!
Getting a stronger physics engine always makes me happy, however, I am dumb with physics :joy:
Keep up the great work! :blue_heart:


That works, but here’s another problem… When I set the part’s density to 0.0001, everything is fine, the part floats up in the air when playtest. I published the game to Roblox and closed studio. Now when I reopen the same game in studio, the density of the part is reset back to 0.01 instead of 0.0001