Lua Learning Official Website!

Well the server was up for a good hour, now its gone again :pensive:

The Lua Learning site and game are great opportunities for developers to teach newer or inexperienced developers the world of Lua programming! Thank you for making this, it is an amazing resource for those who want to know how to program specific content for when the main documentation doesn’t provide specific instructions about how to make it.

Literally WHY are there not more players for your game? This is an invaluable resource to all new developers hoping to learn Luau, including me. Epic. Please continue working on this project it’s really cool.

EDIT: oof didn’t realize this was made a while ago sorry

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Yay the website is back up! clicks tutorial Web server down

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I would like to tell that it’s down again

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I’d like to tell you that the website is down again.

Why is the server always down? I really want to look at the website but sadly it says that it isn’t working…

I don’t know, and it’s completely out of my hands. The website is managed entirely by @SteadyOn.


I really like this game, is very helpful for beginners. Is a new update coming soon?

Appears site is down, will check it out when I learn it is back up.

It doesn’t actually work. This is the error that I get when accessing the site:

@Octavian_Studios @Shadowson4417

Hi, thanks for your reports. We’re aware of the issue already, but we appreciate you making sure.


What are you using to host it? I am interested because I also need to host websites.

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Because, lets say the game dosen‘t work, or you are away from your pc and you want to watch a tutorial iside a for example a bus. I don‘t think that you always want to enter into the game, because it take long to load (the normal loading phase, the website needs to load, alongside with the game itself). If you write the link directly it is more fast, and remember that not all the feataures from the game are on the website, I am sure that you need to create the tutorial in the game first, then it shows up on the website. And the website dosen‘t contain anything that is interactive, I think this is why they made the website

cant access the website
rayid : 5ee627500d93b775

Amazing website! Needs a search feature though, but good for those who are new to Roblox Studio.

The website looks clean, modern, and nice. I’m wanting to become a programmer and I think this website can help me out! Awesome work with the website by the way! :+1:

Thank you for the resource! :slight_smile:


The server is down again. At least, we still have the game not finished but still.

Same for me. Would of loved to check it out too, maybe @boatbomber needs a better server for this as a lot of people want to use the site to learn more.

Aw man the website is full of ads now… :pensive:

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