LuaBox Trial Version (Make code with blocks eazy! **FREE PLUGIN**) (500⏬+)

Hey, welcome to LuaBox!!!

DOWNLOAD⏬ v1.0.6

LuaBox generatate for you script or local script with block
what you only need to do is click on blocks and
you got your code!

WHY LuaBox?
Mybe you see better plugins like this but LuaBox Updated all the time
LuaBox also has a ui that can access everything easily
LuaBox has things that others don’t have like FREE CODE which lets you edit your code inside the ui without the need to edit inside the script, it can create both a localscript and a script for you and adapts your code to a script or to a localscript


LuxBox PRO Version Is Here!!

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“Clinet” the ui is bad not very neat the plugin it self isnt well made and there already exists one like it Easy Blocks.


read the why luabox

and It doesn’t look good to make it easy to do things there as quickly as possible

Cool plugin, I would suggest you to make it free for now though, it isn’t yet as good as VisualScripting.


Why is there a wait and a lot of indents?


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the wait is for fix the script

It doesn’t fix anything tho? So why is it there?

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It fixes other things

If you say so. Well, the plugin seems to work okay, so that’s good. But, is there a way to set arguments when calling methods like ‘Kick’?


Is there a way to do :Kick("Message here") instead of :Kick() with your blocks?

I also just noticed there are end) and end blocks. If you need to use those to close if statements, I feel that would defeat the purpose of block coding.

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the message to the kick will be in the next versions


this isn’t the right place to post plugins, it’s at #resources:community-resources and i know how to code

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