Ok, so I’m being commissioned to make a rendered scene , and this is what I have so far.
I want some feedback on it, and whatever other feedback you guys have!
IS this worth 300 robux?
- yes
- maybe
- no
0 voters
Ok, so I’m being commissioned to make a rendered scene , and this is what I have so far.
I want some feedback on it, and whatever other feedback you guys have!
0 voters
I like the render!
But you could maybe add a bit more stuff such as some ducks in the lake and other stuff.
Though it looks really nice so good job.
This is the scene the client wanted.
I don’t have photoshop. Thank you for the advice though! Do you mean a plugin in roblox or blender?
I find it a bit off that there are no shadows. Not sure if there’s supposed to be a scene going on, because I‘m not quite sure what’s happening in the render.
Overall, though, your render is pretty good. However, I find that pricing it at 300 may be good, I’m not sure about that.
The sheriff is trying to shoot the murderer, because the murderer is trying to kill someone else. And theres me in the back watching and eating chips.
Oh ok, then good job, though it is definitely not worth 300 .
As @Floxylak said, your lighting a bit off, maybe try using a plugin to help make the characters a bit cooler. Also why is it sunny and there are no shadows on the characters? Though I like the scene that you went for.
How do I add shadows? And why is it not worth 300?
This has issues that were stated above, but I do believe it is worth 300 because of the fact that 300 just isn’t much for a render in the first place. My suggestions are a vignette of some kind, more dynamic lighting (with shadows), and possibly more dynamic poses, unless the poses were requested.
How do I turn shadeless off? I’ll try finding it.
It says shadows are on.
Are you using blender render or cycles render?
nevermind. Try turning off ambient occlusion as shown below and add a sun source.
I’m using Blender Render. Thanks for the help!
Hello there!
I do feel the lighting is a bit off, and the characters look rather stiff, mostly the one in the middle.
I would suggest playing around with poses and try to get the essence of “Oh no, I might die!” flowing through the characters.
Other than that I think it looks great! Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll get better.
This looks great, the only thing that I really noticed was the lack of shadows
Yeah I really do not like that text. Asides, maybe add some variation in the characters? They just look a bit too plain. Also work on your lighting, this picture is very bright and it would be nice to see shadows. I can see that you aren’t a pro so anyway, it’s a good render for a start.
Though the render is nice, I do have a few suggestions. First off, try to make the weapons a little more visible, to make the scene better, and like others have said try using shadows, as your models right now look like they are floating. One last thing that I can suggest is to make your pizza guy a little more happy, like nothing wrong is happening, as it just kind of looks odd right now.