Major Issue with Roblox performance and frame rate

It appears the issues have started to happen around the 12th.
My PC has been affected as well, going from 73FPS to 15-35, which is a very devastating hit.

Not only did the FPS get a hit, it appears that they got unstable too.


I can confirm this is happening. A machine I own and use as a “worst case scenario” when testing performance suddenly cant get over 40fps in a bare minimum game and has spikes down to 15 fps. My main laptop suddenly has similar issues (without the spikes, thats from the horrid hardware in the other machine) but achieves a very high framerate in studio.


Been having an issue with lower FPS and increased client memory usage for Computers in Fabled Legacy as well.


This problem is still happening unfortunately. (Holding any keys in the keyboard.)
I’ve tried completely reinstalling Roblox right now, with a somewhat good outcome. It doesn’t “feel” as laggy anymore, but the issue regarding this is still there.
Any updates to this would be really helpful…

Update/edit to this post: Nevermind… Most servers are still hardcapping my fps to 30.

Really? I’ve been lagging for a while still, getting annoying, but I feel like its gotten a little better

Yeah unfortunately. Like how I said, the lag issue at least sort of “feels” a bit better than before. It’s not as bothersome, but it is clearly still there.
After a bit of playing around, related to the post I replied to on that, it seems like the issue regarding the fps going down when holding any key fixes itself for the moment whenever I press shift to enable shiftlock.

Seen on the video below.

Though… It’s only better for the time I keep holding the same keys after having pressed shift. If I try to do it again, FPS goes down again until I press shift again.

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Hi there,

With 630, we’ve made some changes on our end to improve frame times. This should help recover FPS. Please let me know if you’ve noticed increases there.

As for the keyboard related issue some folks are reporting, we’re still investigating that.

Thank you for your patience.


a 200+ fps increase for me (originally had around 300)

edit: make that 300+ increase


glad they are trying to fix the issues with keyboard input


oh my god thank you, do I have to reinstall or anything I haven’t seen an update to my client yet

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Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed any increase in frame rates and the issue is still intact.


no effect, ive noticed the second another player joins your server if you were alone your fps drops around more than half


It’s even worse. Two weeks ago my game at start was using less than 1 GB on client now at join using 1400-1600. And after 1 h play its around 2000MB. Obviously it will not affect high end PCs but roblox targeting mobiles doesn’t it? So devs fight about everything to run theirt games on mobiels then roblox releasing update to increase 500MB RAM usage enjoy… And they not even inform anyone.


Is this happening in the latest Roblox client update? (v0.631.1)

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Looks like Roblox reduced ram usage today.


This is now happening to me aswell and I don’t know what to do - I went from 244FPS to 25FPS in EVERY game and cannot even play Roblox now. Roblox studio for some reason, still works completely fine?


Yes, it still does for me and probably for others too.


this did not improve anything for me at all


Still having rather low frames… It’s really unfortunate that my phone, somehow, performs much better compared to my laptop.
Both random usage/lag spikes and the keyboard + camera moving bug…


this issue is still here and its still horrible