Make certain descriptions on the Avatar page more verbose

Right now, some avatar options (primarily “Body Type” and “Proportions”) don’t make much sense. Before writing this post, I had to go into studio and mess with the values on my avatar during runtime to see exactly what they did.

I suggest appending tooltips to each avatar option so that editing is more friendly. Here’s what I suggest:


How tall your avatar is.


How wide your avatar is. Lower values make you more slim.


How large your avatar’s head is.


Controls your avatar’s limb size proportions. 0% will make your avatar’s limbs more comparable to a normal Robloxian (where the arms and legs are the same size), and 100% will make your avatar’s limbs more comparable to a real world person (where the arms are smaller and the legs are bigger). This is only functional when Body Type is more than 0%, and becomes more notable as you approach 100% on your Body Type.

Body Type

Controls your avatar’s core shape. A value of 0% is closer to a normal Robloxian where they are almost as wide as they are tall, and a value of 100% is closer to real world person where they are much taller than they are wide.

What is your opinion on this idea? Is there anything that you think should be different?


The first three tooltips are good, but the others are way too long. Having an entire paragraph as a tooltip is not going to help anyone, and no one is going to read it.

The real problem here is that some of the names are confusing. Even as a developer, I feel like I still don’t 100% know how “proportions” and other scaling features work, and the seemingly-random names don’t help.