Make GuiButton a directly usable class

As a developer I am constantly using textbuttons with no text or imagebuttons with no image. These objects imply that they display text or an image in addition to receiving input, but i almost always only want them for input. For example, when making a button surface larger than the button geometry so that a finger can easily hit it, or when making a button surface that covers a collection of gui elements.

I want an object that captures input without implying text or an image.


+1 on this.

All my buttons are made exactly this way simply because it’s so much easier to customize without being contained to the limited properties of a normal image/text button. It’s just very bloaty to use all those image buttons with no images on them :sweat_smile:.


Frame has events that return an InputObject for basic input tracking, is this what you want? Probably not, but its an option.

+1 from me.


Makes sense and this is long overdue.

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Simple MouseClicks on it? I don’t think it has

+1 Support

Crazy how I never gave that any thought about it for years until I had to import stylish button designs for which ImageButton and TextButton additional properties are just not applicable. Everything is now empty TextButtons.