As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to debug attachments using HandleAdornments.
By debugging I mean tracking the attachment, say using with a SphereHandleAdornment.
Right now, you would have to make the HandleAdornment adorn the parent of the attachment, then listen for changes in the attachment’s position if those do happen.
If I want to make a debug visualizer that shows where the attachment is with a more noticeable “bubble” with a red color using the SphereHandleAdornment.
Currently, I would have to create an invisible part, make the HandleAdornment itself, and adorn the HandleAdornment to the part.
Or if I wanted to make a cone, that shows what an enemy AI can see, I would have to create a part that is in front of the enemy AI’s face and change the part’s position to be in front of the enemy AI’s face at all times.
This could be simplified to creating an attachment to be in front of the enemy AI’s face and adorning the HandleAdornment to the face attachment.
If Roblox were to address this, it would improve my development experience because I would not have to go through unnecessary effort just to debug or visualize something.