Make NPC model rotate/aim while moving with Humanoid:MoveTo()

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want an NPC to be able to move with
    Humanoid:MoveTo() while aiming on a position without canceling the “:MoveTo()”

  2. What is the issue? I try use Model:PivotTo() on the NPC but it cancels the “:MoveTo()”

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I found this with a solution but I dont understand anything about it

In conclusion, I want the NPC model to be able to rotate or aim while being able to move using the Humanoid:MoveTo()

local rep = game.ReplicatedStorage
local exc = game.ReplicatedStorage.Stuff.ExclamanationMark

rep:WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("MoveCommand").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,mcframe, right)
	local rig = game.Workspace.Rig
	if right then
		if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("ExclamanationMark") then game.Workspace.ExclamanationMark:Destroy() end
		local excc = exc:Clone()
		excc.Position = mcframe.Position
		excc.Parent = game.Workspace
		local targetCFrame =, mcframe.Position)
		local _, targetY, _ = targetCFrame:ToOrientation()

		local targetYDegrees = math.deg(targetY)
		print("Target Y orientation (degrees):", targetYDegrees)

		local currentCFrame = rig:GetPivot()
		local position = currentCFrame.Position
		local currentX, _, currentZ = currentCFrame:ToOrientation()

		-- Create a new CFrame with only the Y orientation changed
		local newCFrame = * CFrame.Angles(currentX, math.rad(targetYDegrees), currentZ)

CFrame is very confusing to me, please give some explanation on it, thank you.

Just try and delete the else statement

what? no, right click to move. Left click to make the npc rotate, but it cancels the :MoveTo() from the right click, I dont want it to cancel