Make terrain more natural?


I’ve been working on a procedural terrain generator for a big project i have coming. I finished the generator but i have an issue with Roblox terrain, it sticks out in weird lines which make it look unnatural:

This isn’t some render optimization issue because it still retains the lines when the camera is close and the quality level is set to max.

Perlin noise generator
function, WidthZ, Seed, Scale, Amplitude, Frequency, Octaves, Persistance, Lacunarity)
	local self =, WidthZ) 
	local MaxHeight = -math.huge
	local MinHeight = math.huge
	for X = 0, WidthX do
		for Z = 0, WidthZ do
			local Amplitude = 5 
			local Frequency = 1
			local Height = 0 
			for Index = 0, Octaves do
				local SampleX = X / Scale * Frequency
				local SampleZ = Z / Scale * Frequency
				local Noise = math.noise(SampleX, SampleZ, Seed)
				Height += Noise * Amplitude
				Amplitude *= Persistance
				Frequency *= Lacunarity
			if Height > MaxHeight then
				MaxHeight = Height
			elseif Height < MinHeight then
				MinHeight = Height
			self[X][Z] = Height
	for X = 0, WidthX do
		for Z = 0, WidthZ do
			self[X][Z] = InverseLerp(MinHeight, MaxHeight, self[X][Z]) * Amplitude
	return self
Terrain script
local function Generate(WidthX, WidthZ, Seed, Scale, Amplitude, Frequency, Octaves, Persistance, Lacunarity)
	local Map =, WidthZ, Seed, Scale, Amplitude, Frequency, Octaves, Persistance, Lacunarity)
	for X = 0, WidthX do
		for Z = 0, WidthZ do
			local Y = Map[X][Z]
			local Block =, Y, Z))
			Terrain:FillBlock(Block,, 5, 2), Enum.Material.Grass)

Generate(1000, 1000, math.random(), 200, 50, 20, 10, 10, 1)
-- SizeX, SizeZ, Seed, Scale, Amplitude, Frequency, Octaves, Persistance, Lacunarity --

Any help is appreciated! :sunglasses:


I have the same issue too! Did you ever find the fix to this?

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Not yet, I hope someone finds a solution in the future.

A fix for this is by making the value/height generated from math.noise smoothed out by the surrounding heights of the terrain arround it, for example;
If you check perlin noise in a area if 3x3:
0.5 - 0.6 - 0.7
0.5 - 0.6 - 0.7
0.4 - 0.5 - 0.6
You combine all those numbers and divide them, so; (0.5 + 0.6 + 0.7 + 0.5 + 0.6 + 0.7 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.6)\9 = 0.56

So your noise output is 0.56 and if you do that for every piece of terrain you get a nice smooth output

I really just smoothen them out, as right now, we can’t really find a solution. It’s hard work, but you gotta do something?

This doesn’t fix it. this is an issue with Roblox terrain. Your method is also inefficient and slow, it’s basically adding more/less octaves

Well, this is how I do it for my terrain and it works flawlessly without any lag.
Obviously there are better ways to doing this, but this is my way of doing this.

I created my own because Roblox doesn’t provide a built-in terrain generator in a live server.