Make the "Reset View" action easier to access - too hard to reset Studio layout

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to reset my Studio layout to recover windows and widgets when something goes wrong.

Sometimes my resolution changes due to a monitor going to sleep, or something else happens which occasionally results in Studio widgets getting lost offscreen. Since widgets try to save their positions, if I lose e.g. the command bar offscreen somewhere that I can’t reach with my mouse, I’m stuck until I figure out how to reset my Studio layout, which is not easy without getting lucky talking to people through Discord or the forum.

Currently, there is an action in Studio called “Reset View” which resets Studio’s layout to default. This is extremely useful for recovering from layout accidents. To use this, you need to know how to get to the Quick Access Toolbar customization window, and from there you need to know to look up the “Reset View” action. Then you need to physically click it after adding it to the QAB… This is not very user-friendly.

I helped somebody recover from a layout accident today, and several people had no idea that this existed.

It would be much better if this action was a button in Studio’s settings window, or perhaps better and more discoverable, under the View category on the ribbon bar (behind an “are you sure” prompt).

Obviously the best solution would be to prevent windows from getting lost in the first place, but I think that’s not likely feasible. This action should be an explicit and easily accessible button in the meantime.


One solution for the “it’s hard to get to” part of the problem might be Quick Open actions. Prefacing a search query with “>” in the Quick Open (Cmd+P) bar allows you to filter through all Studio commands. In this case, the workflow would be:

  • Press Cmd+P to bring up Quick Open
  • Type in “> Reset View” (or a portion of that and navigate with arrow keys)
  • Press Enter
  • View Resets

Doesn’t solve the “knowing it exists” part of the problem but maybe still useful!


That’s a nice shortcut, and I didn’t know Quick Open could do that.

As an aside from this topic, it looks like Quick Open was added as a default to the QAB recently, which is a really important discoverability improvement, but I think it’s a stretch to assume anyone knows that you can type > to filter through Studio actions. I can’t seem to find this feature documented in the Studio interface anywhere. Maybe there should be placeholder text (E.g. “Search scripts, or prefix > to search actions…”) in the input bar for Quick Open that communicates any extra search modes like this one. Maybe this should just be a toggle.


Quick Open Actions will open Quick Open with a > already in the search, although it isn’t very obvious if this action is never used.

I added Quick Open to Quick Access Bar several months ago, couldn’t have been that recent of a change.

Cmd+Opt+P will also open Quick Open with the “>” preface. But we could definitely improve overall discoverability here - I’ll explore some options with the team!

Quick Open was released in Jan but we’re actively working on discoverability since it can do so much and greatly improves navigation. We added it to QAB as part of this in the last couple months.

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Wanted to follow up, how often is quick open being used? People are still not able to find the reset view action, and now with modern studio being pushed to all users, people are increasingly finding themselves stuck with widgets misplaced. Visibility improvements for the reset layout action are sorely needed.

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