Making a block with ice physics without a script

Is it still possible? I have messed around with custom physics and I cant get it working, and also tried looking at a few models and none of these seem to be working either.
Do I need a script now?


Part > CustomPhysicalProperties > Friction

Set friction to a very low amount (lower = more sliding)


This is an old question but this apparently obvious way of solving it has stopped working for me.

I lock people on first person mode on my game, any clues?

What is the problem exactly?

Is your Character sliding in 1st Person mode?

Nobody slides at all. Third person is also broken.

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I don’t believe it’s possible anymore. I went back on an older game of mine which had included ice that made you slide, and I tried to replicate the properties onto a new brick exactly, and it didn’t work. This included toggling CustomPhysicalProperties on. So I do not believe that there is a way to make it slide without using some sort of script.


What is the FrictionWeight of your BasePart objects? If the value is really high it will prioritize the low friction of your icy Part over the character’s children. You should try the values I underlined here and see if that helps:



thank you and is it weird thanking people randomly on this im new