Making a Horror Game


To start off, I have to completely agree with you on the excessive use of jumpscares on the course of the past years or so, it just removes from the terrifying, and frightening feeling of the game. And I don’t want that. I do have an ambiance and atmosphere already set in place and I do believe it works quite well. In terms of the last amount of feedback you gave about the endings, collectibles and badges are something I will take into consideration. I do agree that you need to bring the player back, which I plan on doing further on in the future.

Thank you for your feedback however, it really does help.


Jumpscares are an easy way to make a horror game. A good horror game is where you can make the player scared of themselves. Their own shadow or their own footsteps. Games like Amnesia succeeded so well because you were defenseless, scared of yourself and there were different monsters to be afraid of. In my opinion, ambiance. Like someone said, it depends on the person. One person is scared of spiders. Another scared of heights. Personally I haven’t been scared of any videogame since I was a child but outlast 2 was real close. The thought of being chased and hunted is a pretty scary feeling. You can take inspiration from games like Resident evil biohazard or outlast 2, because imo they were both really good games. Identity fraud is a good example from roblox, the feeling of being chased, knowing you might never win or escape and if you die then you have something to lose-- back to the beginning. Games like this are definitely winners, and I hope this helps.

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Its quite interesting the point you brought up about monsters and fears involving a player’s own shadow and footsteps. Although that might be an enormous task for me as I am not involved in scripting quite as close as that involves, it definitely does make for a good idea and monster and might think about it a little more down the line. Thank you for your response!

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Hello everyone!

Thank you all again for taking time to provide crucial feedback, ideas and suggestions on what can be used to create and furthermore develop an astonishing horror game. Some of these suggestions have already been applied to the game I am working on and I hope to add more of these further down the track.

If you are interested in this horror game I am working on a little more, there are three links below, thank you.

My group really wants to make the very first genuine horror game on roblox. Our work is inspired by outlast and resident evil 7. Try going past the lame cheap jumpscares of piggy! Please make a real horror game!

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It is too dark. Yes, darkness is a key aspect of horror games, but when it gets to the point where players can’t see anything, it doesn’t work. I recommend adding occasional lighting

Hey there!

Thank you for commenting on this post. I am sorry for my late delay, I had not yet checked my post yet. Anyways, I have played Piggy and although it lacks jumpscares, I still would like to move away from that type of jumpscare variant in my game, e.g. 2D hideous images.

So, I definitely do agree with you on that one. I am looking to make a decent horror game on Roblox that is fairly realistic, feel free to provide feedback, suggestions, etc. I am always open to them.