Making a new place through studio shouldn't force it to your account [Beta Feature]

If Roblox is able to address the creating a new place issue through studio, it would improve my development experience because it now creates a new baseplate place on my profile and automatically turns on team create.

The main reason people often created a new place is that you could easily test a smaller feature and, if needed, you could save it as a local file on your desktop or such.
I personally also used it often when my internet connect wasn’t that good. I could easily leave the team to create and copy what I was working on to a new, empty place that didn’t have team create enabled. Another major issue now is that it creates a new baseplate place on your account because it requires team create. Your account is getting flooded with empty baseplate places.

Here’s a list of the benefits and problems with the new system and old.
The new system [BETA]

  • It automatically enables team create what’s bad if you have poor internet connection
  • It automatically creates a new place attached on your profile, now you have a bunch of baseplate places
  • Using CTRL+S no longer saves it as a local file on your desktop, but it’s not a very big issue as you can still use “Download a Copy” and set a key bind for it.
  • A benefit is to easy invite other players to team test that feature without needing to publish the place manually, but that doesn’t often happen
  • Currently there’s also this studio breaking bug

The old system

  • Not by default a team create place, so you can’t disconnect with poor internet connection
  • It won’t create new baseplate places on your profile each time you create a new place
  • Pressing CTRL+S would automatically let you save it to your desktop or such
  • Ability to work offline

How to possibly solve the problem
Solution 1

  • Revert to the old system back, but I wouldn’t count that as a solution

Solution 2

  • When creating a new place, it will open a pop-up window asking what kind of new place you want to make

  • Team create would create a new baseplate on your profile with team create enabled

  • Local file would work the same as it used to be

Solution 3

I believe that solution 2 or 3 could be a good solution to give developers the option to choose instead of forcing to create a new place on our account and having team create enabled.

This problem is also mentioned by other people

Just a remember to everyone, this is a beta feature and feedback on it. You can disable it, currently in the Beta Features window:


Typical ROBLOX, forcing updates nobody asked for on the players and developers.


As someone who works solo, having Roblox create places on my profile without my consent is incredibly annoying and clutters my already messy inventory with places I will likely never reopen, visit or use.

Team create also hinders my scripting as I have to manually commit every change and oh dear… if you lose connection before saving/committing your script changes you could quite possibly lose some of that hard work.

I’d highly appreciate just being able to make a place that won’t immediately get saved and be able to just work offline without having to mess around with my settings.


fr, used to be that i could just create a new baseplate just to mess around, try something or whatever and then discard it or maybe save it as a file, BUT NOW EVERY TIME IT CREATES A WHOLE NEW GAME and it just piles up and now i have literally like 110 games THAT ARE JUST BASEPLATES. not only that, but they also moved the “save to file” button to be even more inaccessible.

oh and now i have to actually select the template i wanna use and then move my mouse aaalll the way down and click “create” because of no reason whatsoever, what was wrong with just clicking the template i want to use directly?

and also if you have bad internet you need to wait several seconds even if the entire template is literally just 1 big flat part


Support. I have 60+ place files on my PC, and 48 published games on my profile. Most of the published ones exist by accident (game deleting button roblox pls). If this feature had existed since I started developing, I’d have >100 published BASEPLATES. “Who”, I ask, “would want 100 default baseplates, with Team Create, on their profile, with all their other actual games buried under them?”. 90% of the time I am certain that programmers open baseplates not to make a finished game that people will play, but to write small pieces of code or individual features of games just to see how to do it or just for fun and experimentation.


I’m a fairly active forum member in the #help-and-feedback:scripting-support category, and I make a default baseplate all the time to help with code samples. This update has literally shut down that work flow, so now I must make a dedicated place for being a nice person.


This isn’t a feature. It’s a parasite.

Let me explain:

  1. This takes up more of ROBLOX’s data capacity, from a business perspective: Why in gods name would they do this?! It’ll cost them (literally) down the line.

  2. Developers tend to make miscellaneous offshoots of their work all the time. If I’m writing a library/framework dedicated to doing one task, why would I want to clutter my profile/an already cluttered dedicated place? It makes no sense!

  3. Collaboration? That may be cool and all for unfamiliar developers, but… If I wanted it to be applied automatically, I’d just turn it on. If I want to solo a project, no one on this planet has the right to say otherwise. (Unless it’s as a dev under a studio, of course.)

And some final requests to make:

  1. The owner dropdown is very useful, thank you ROBLOX. Now add “Local File” to the list, I beg you, since this is getting ridiculous.

  2. Add an option somewhere to toggle the automatic Team Create feature. Set it to true by default then tell me where it is so I can turn it off permanently. The Team Create system got better by leaps and bounds but it’s still disruptive if I just want to pop in to a place (or what should be a local file) quickly and test something/make something real quick.

  3. It’s high time ROBLOX adds the option to DELETE games from your account. Archiving is somewhat useful but ultimately a diversion to the real issue. Add two or multi factor authentication, so it’s not easily abused under the pretense of an account compromise.

That’s all. Hope you enjoyed the rant and agree with my points, if you don’t, feel free to shoot me a DM; just don’t flood the request.


Quite literally useless, it just creates a bunch of dummy places on Roblox’s end, giving them less storage space which results in more outages.


They announced this change the other week and have received a tonne of negative feedback regarding it for obvious reasons. Nice to see they ignored everyone and have enabled it anyway, inspiring management from them as per usual.

Edit: Is this something they’ve forcefully enabled for you or do you have the option enabled in your Beta Features option? Personally, I don’t think this feature should even reach beta but I just checked and it looks like it’s optional, at least for now.


It’s such a trash update and it released out of nowhere. Usually I don’t care much about this kind of updates but this update is really annoying, fills up my Studio home with baseplate places and you can’t even delete places in Roblox.

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Oh wow! I’m surprised you used me as a reference here.
I do believe that this is a must-need, To have it where we get to choose between Online (team create) games or Local File games. You can still achieve the old behavior by going to the games on the site and clicking Edit… But that’s just so much work for such a simple solution.
I agree with this absolutely. This change should be reconsidered or at least altered before release.

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you can’t even delete places in Roblox

you can’t even delete places in Roblox

This is the real problem.

I was complaining earlier about how hard it was to delete unused imported assets. You have to do it one at a time, in a web browser. At least it’s possible. But my inventory is full of old, unused first and second third tries of uploading a meshpart from Blender because I don’t have the time or patience to clean them out.

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It’s such a simple feature that would even benefit Roblox. Not even just places but assets in general, you can only archive them not delete them entirely which have never made any sense to me.

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If it were possible to delete content, I wouldn’t have such a big deal with this. But myself, and probably lots of other people, open up Studio simply to test something real quick, only to close and delete it afterwards as we don’t need to keep it most of the time (and if we did, we’d save it manually). I’m fine with places automatically becoming Team Create enabled with published, but all new games/places should be local and temporary by default.

Or if this is going to be forced on everyone anyway, at least keep a setting to disable it outside of beta features (once it’s no longer in beta). I want my files to be local my default.

I hope this is a flag we can edit because it is making me lose it, now I have to keep a raw baseplate file on my computer and god forbid I click new on accident.

Edit: Actually, you can change it. But this should really not be something thats turned on by default.


As I and a ton of other people have already said on the announcement thread for this beta feature: I never want my places uploaded automatically, I do a lot of scratch work and sometimes I work on things I do not want uploaded to Roblox for personal or legal reasons (e.g. proof of concepts involving ideas I may not distribute meant for other purposes). Not to mention, the massive heap of hazards, disruptions, and downsides team create introduces to extremely simple development routines. Some people with rough internet stability won’t even be able to use studio at all if someday Roblox makes this mandatory, which feels a lot like the intention with the hiding of the setting to disable this in settings.

Roblox needs to forever support local-only files, and make them convenient to access. None of this hiding toggles away in Studio settings nonsense, there must be a better solution.


Not sure what is going on, but it seems like this feature now broken. Its still creating team create places on “File > New”. Might have to file a bug report if this continues.

Edit: Yep, completely busted, studio ignores the toggle even after a fresh install and still creates a team create place.
Seriously, I just want to smash some things in studio everyone in a while in a fresh clean slate without having a million places fill up my account. Come on roblox.