Making a screen gui in which automatically moves up

Yooo wsg dev forum, second post of the evening and this time im still having a conundrum with screen guis, aight so basically i have this very tall screen gui/frame and im trying to use it as a basis for a scrolling credits screen effect (Like the stuff youd see at the end of a movie or video game.) I was wondering if i could make the screen gui slowly move up to mimic the effect of credits.

(so basically this goes up slowly)

ive seen this question been asked before (How can I go about making rolling credits?) but no one really extended on the long gui moving up idea.

Thanks in advanced

use a scrollingframe and tween the canvasposition

Im sure that would be a much easier way to do it, but what if i just wanted to do it with a regular frame?

tween the position of each frame to scale y 2 over like 20 seconds or so

I see, how would i end up doing that? :sweat_smile: i havent really touched tween service yet because it makes my brain completly stops every time i look at the documents. but i could only presume its some sort of local script inside the frame.

set the frame position to offscreen to like (CreditPosition - UDim2.fromScale(0, -2)) for each frame

-- iterate through frames in credits frame
for i, frame in pairs(credits:GetChildren()) do
  -- tween frame position over 20 seconds to offscreen
  Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 2 + math.abs(frame.Position.Y)),;
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What is “credits” supposed to be cause its returning as unknown global which means i probably have to define it first.

the frame holding all the credit frames

Oh so are you saying i need multiple frames to mimic the effect? so would “Frame” be the second frame? or am i thinking about this wrong?

you would want one frame sized to 1,1 scale completely transparent then place frames in a line based on where you want them to be

apologies but i dont think i follow, are you saying it would it be a hierarchy like this? or are you reffering to something else?


Oop wait nevermind, i figured it out. thank you dude

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