Making pet that follow the player

i tried script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = torso.CFrame but it teleporting the pet to the player
i tried script.Parent.FairyH:MoveTo(torso.Position) didnt work
i tried tutorial from youtube also didnt work

im trying to make my pet model to follow me please help me

Please, search the developer forum for answers before creating a new topic.

After a quick search, I saw dozens of results. There is tons of information on this subject already answered here.

There is also topics answering how to make the pet face a certain object or direction, and how to make them follow from a certain position or direction of the character, and loads more.

Good luck and enjoy!


nevermind. i will keep using my weld to HumanoidRootPart
thanks but it didnt help me no one of them showing how to do it for models only to meshes/part
and also they dont follow you when you fly and its lagy :grimacing: