"Malformed data" and "Serializer: can't read header" issue

The issue I am getting at is that my place (which says it is published in the pictures, but it is actually just a RBX file,) is not opening. The errors that show up are “Malformed data” and “Serializer: can’t read header” (for an autosave file). Does anyone else have this issue? If so, please help me with trying to fix it.

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Your data might be corrupted, or you just have to restart Studio.

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Plus, if anyone wonders - I do not have any previous versions on my Windows. I shut down my PC without any clue of this happening.

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Have already reinstalled it, at much. Do not really know what to do.

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Your data probably got corrupted. When you shut down your computer, did you force a shutdown?

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Yes, I did. But I think I quit studio before shutting it down and saved it.

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Next time, let the shutdown run on its own and don’t force it off. Data might become corrupted and then unusable.

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Would any Windows tech-experts fix the corruption of the file or do I just lose all of my models there?

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Unsure if the file can be repaired. You can figure out a way to restore the data, but that’s as close as you might get.

Also, this belongs under a different category, possibly Bug Reports.

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Alright, thank you for letting me know.


Actually, I might have found out something. One day, I renamed my file, and this same message came up. When I tried renaming the file, it let me back in. I’m not entirely sure why this happens, but try this possible solution first.

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This unfortunately has nothing to do with the file name.

it happened to me too my studio froze without saving for many hours so i lost all my work

but instead We could not open the place “C:/Users/***/AppData/Local/Roblox/RobloxStudio/AutoSaves/Place_AutoRecovery_0.rbxl”. Serializer::checkHeaderForXML can’t read header

If you continue to encounter this error, please report it on the Developer Forum.

Incident ID: 2634917143942528792