Manage Group revenue in Creator Hub and split profit per experience [Beta]

Fantastic update!

Is it possible to make this system pay out on a recurring basis, such as the first of every month? I think the % revenue split pays out instantly, but it is nice to keep some funds in the group for one-time payments to contractors when needed.


W Update! And W for supercool games having 5 millions funds


W update! thanks Roblox

nice one XD


This is amazing, I’ve wanted something like this for years. So glad it’s finally a reality!

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Per-item recurring splits would be insane :saluting_face:
Patiently waiting for group-owned groups and experience ownership transfer as well :pray: :pray:


Cool to see stuff dev QOL stuff like this + asset security coming in.

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Now that this amazing update has been released the only thing left is to make it so you can give certain people access to edit different games under one singular group!!! As of now the only way you can achieve this is to share the different games to different people.


I can’t believe I missed this DevForum post!
Roblox… continue to cook. This feature will make managing bigger groups MUCH easier for creators.
Thank you so much for working on stuff like that, and I wish you ALL the luck developing it!


With this update you’re allowed to assign certain roles to only access edit permission on certain experiences on that group and I was wondering if you are still contributing to a game but only have limited permission (only access to that one game) you can still obtain a verified checkmark and when receiving it, it will only count the game you have access to as a contribution or if it will count the whole groups games.

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Could we get the option for payouts to go to affiliated groups?

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Did roblox ever add the ability to let individual users only edit specific games within a group?

I remember, for basically years, you could either let people edit group games or not let people edit group games, in the group rank system.
This really broke down any attempt to have different developer teams on different projects.
I would HOPE that’d have been implemented by now, if you’re going as far as to make a per-game split system, so if anyone can let me know that’d be great (Otherwise, that is just funny!)