Many notifications Won't Appear

When I go to my notifications stream on the Roblox website it doesn’t show game updates. I was used to there being a thing at the top of the stream that you click to see all the new recent updates for games your following. This happens on the Roblox Website (Google Chrome) and has been happening for I’d say maybe ~2 months (estimate). I made sure to disable all extensions.

I expected these notifications to be visible.

Device Info:

  • Platform Type: PC
  • Device Type: Computer
  • Location: USA
  • OS: Windows 10 Home


The notifications button has a badge icon signifying that new notifications are present, but opening the notifications tab reveals no new game update notifications (this is not an issue for other notifications like friend requests, etc.)

My game update notifications are turned on in settings, and this occurs on macOS Chrome and the Roblox iOS mobile app. This issue has been happening for months.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


Have there been any updates on this? When opening the Notification Stream, it seems to send a request to which responds with a 404 error.

As of right now there is a large backlog of issues that the engineers are working through. When there is an update i will pass it on.

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As of 9/3/21, a year + a few days after this topic was created, the issue still persists.

Here’s a screenshot of my notification stream. Game Updates are broken. I also still get blank notifications, and when I check, there’s no new messages, Friend Requests, or Game Updates.

Any updates at all to this bug? What’s going on?


This is happening to me too, I thought it was someone sending some messages or friend request, then I updated my game (which I had followed) and a notifcation appeared.

But I think we have the same thing: Someone sent us a message I do not know if you replied but I think it could be also Roblox reminding you of a message, even if you read it. This might be false but maybe it’s just a coincidence.

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oh hey a bug report for this

I am having this error constantly. The same symptoms as @BrooklynSkies and @p0s_0 are appearing.


This bug has been happening for me too!
I have not been able to view game updates for many months, even though I have the notifications for games on.

The notifications tab used to look like this:

Now, all I see are friend requests and new messages.


More than a year since the report, I can confirm that it is still happening (at least for game updates notifications, with game updates notifications turned on). This is a huge problem to communicate updates for my game.


I don’t know how much more energy the web engineers need to fix this.
This needs to be put on a higher priority. It’s 2022 for god’s sake!


This problem is still here, can’t see any game update notifications.


I don’t remember the day when game notifications worked anymore…

I’ve had this bug for who knows how long and decided to look for some possible solution, just to find out this bug has been unsolved since August 2020. Almost two years, hmm…


May 2022 and i am still experiencing this notification issue, hopefully a fix is coming soon.


I’m rather frustrated by the lack of updates on this. To help debug, here’s the console error I receive when opening the notification panel:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
(Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 404.

If I use an extension to intercept the request and add the CORS headers, it appears that the endpoint is returning an HTTP 404.


This appears to be fixed, thanks!

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