I’d like to further express how much of a joke this statement is. I sifted through SOME items uploaded in just the past month alone, this is only a small sample of the hilariously large amount of copies that have been uploaded. I seriously do not understand where the 99% statistic comes from when you just take a quick look through the UGC catalog and immediately see how incorrect it is.
Users are literally building existing items in multiple parts and staff are so blind to it regardless of reports:
original: Clockwork's Headphones - Roblox
copy: Black Headphones - Roblox
in addition to this (solely made to copy clockwork’s headphones in combination with the above UGC headphones, noted by the obvious use of R and L): Directional Compass Headphones - Roblox
and in addition to this (covers the graphic of the headphones): Circles - Roblox
makes this, it’s literally the same item when all put together:
And then of course there are items currently up that are not even trying to hide the fact that they are intentionally copying.
I’d appreciate if Roblox wouldn’t downplay how often copying happens just to push the agenda that the platform is ready for public UGC. This is only a fraction of the issue and Roblox does nothing to deter this no matter how many times they say they’re committing to stopping it. Many of these were reported and ignored, without an explanation as to why nothing happened. Were they ignored entirely? Do they think it’s not a copy? We have no idea, they have failed to communicate anything to the people trying to help them with this in the focus group we have.
How is Roblox prepared to detect copies of Roblox-created items that are uploaded in multiple parts?
A group of people just uploaded an exact replica of Clockwork’s Headphones to the catalog in 3 items.
If I want to upload Dominus Infernus in 5-7 separate parts/items, how would Roblox detect it? I don’t think it’ll be possible to detect. There will be alot of ripoffs uploaded in multiple parts.
I’m pleasantly surprised to see that after sticking their fingers in their ears and closing one’s eyes that 1% of reports still managed to get through.
There are several dozen imitations of existing limiteds and “addons” uploaded daily (none of which have been actioned since the release of UGC limiteds) and of course the usual several dozen intellectual property infringements. I imagine the users who have been reporting to you thus far have like the moderators for this program completely given up.
And this doesn’t even begin to address the problems that free items have had. Simply put, in an effort to pump up your sale numbers on slide shows you can show to investors and in charts every quarter you have managed to cause irreparable harm to the pre-existing virtual economy. Congratulations.
I’m again shocked it’s this low. I imagine that this misleading statistic that you would be happy to share with investors doesn’t account for the hundreds of free items that have been published over the past month with the hundreds of thousands of copies being “purchased” - mostly by bots who abuse this poorly thought out system for literal “free” money.
The original post is full of buzzowords that have absolutely no relation to your actions to date. Mirroring the real-world? through rampant saturation of the market and no regulation? dynamic and actively respond to market conditions? please.
Would say that the items being uploaded by different people/accounts does make this less of an example, though it is simply baffling that an item some people could have spend hundreds of dollars worth of robux on can just be copied for cheap like this.
They should honestly take a review period that takes just as long/ works like the current Pending Robux system they put in place a while back.
Eitherway this is probably going to continue if not worsen with UGC being public but its not like they can just withdraw their statements, not like they would anyway.
Just say bye bye to any limiteds with values high.
Just wanted to share my 2 cents on the “60% of people who have purchased Limiteds have never owned Limiteds before”
Roblox hasn’t released any new limiteds in eons. They’re been backstepped for years by this point. New players most likely didn’t even know they we’re a thing, as Limiteds are now either used by whatever remains of the trading community and people like me that own these items for the sake of them being nostalgic, not necessarily for their quantifiable amount or value.
Of course, it’s great that limiteds are a thing now again, but don’t claim that your revolutionized system is vastly superior to the older one when Roblox mismanaged that whole part of their platform up until now. It’s like claiming that your new cupcake recipe is vastly superior to your previous one when now you make a fresh batch every couple of hours, and before that you had to specifically order from a not-advertised, stale batch.
**because roblox think there is “competition” roblox should put these offsale items back on sale for limited time periods at the same time as they do there promotional items as they bring an offsale item back as well, for example put workclock headphones back onsale for two weeks like roblox did with blue top hat with white band when roblox brought it back on sale.Roblox put workclock headphones or some item back onsale for two weeks and do that often alongside everytime you do your promotional items, this means the items still return but there is no “competition”.
Today is memorial day and im really curious to see if roblox would listen to feedback about this awful idea as everyone in the community hates it. A Memorial day sale can technically still happen as roblox say regular basis*
As said thousands of times before about this quote its a disaster, a trainwreck and the worst thing ive heard from the marketplace team ever. It was so great to see roblox put blue top hat back on sale for two weeks with other items. If roblox really dont plan to turn them limited due to “competition” then there is no threat putting items at least back onsale, Workclock headphones back onsale for memorial day, wouldn’t that be so cool ?
, and this time last year we were excited patiently waiting for new limiteds, where we received the Tixvalk, bighead, Silverthorn antlers and so many more. Not only did we feel like roblox cared for us and the community but we also felt like trading had finally been revived and thought about by roblox. Everyone Enjoyed this feature and as the year went by more and more excited people were seen as there old items went limited or an item went limited that people wanted, even if roblox is scared of affecting ugc items “competition” just instead bring items back onsale for limited times or just do a couple limiteds a month, there are so many ways a smart billion dollar company marketing department could do way better. Its so sad seeing how well they did in 2022 and with the sales and honestly it sucks they think there is “Competition for limiteds”, Well if you really are ruining things why dont you put them back on sale or put them onsale in like weekly sales? you do all the special promotional items so hype them up more with these. For example workclock headphones onsale for one week just like blue top hat was back onsale for two weeks in black Friday. This is how it should be done and i know well everyone agrees.
It was so great to see roblox put blue top hat back on sale for two weeks with other items. If roblox really dont plan to turn them limited due to “competition” then there is no threat putting items at least back onsale,
Not only does this expand the current marketplace but puts items back onsale for people to be able to obtain after them rotting offsale, its pointless if you think about it ?, Why have items pointlessly rotting. It was probably one of the most enjoyable and best things people have seen in years. Not only did it turn loads of old items limited but it helped people build careers in the trading sector for the first time in years. Youtubers like “WaffleTrades” “HighlyWanted” And “Lonnie” have all exploded over the offsale limited topic and over the past year grew exponentially and the trading search was way up high for the first time in years. Roblox has always showed they support the community and 2022 was really where it was at.
Roblox and the department of the marketplace really dont see the community on the same level and they have suffering amount of disconnect with the community also and its clear to see by the moves they have made in recent months, this one sparked a lot of anger.
There are so many Pros about this such as new ways to earn, trade, profit and also finally having the ability to relive the good times. Many people had items that they wanted that they could finally obtain.
It expanded the limited marketplace and revived trading with new and awesome accessories that everyone enjoyed.
It makes no sense to have accessories rotting offsale that people want and when roblox started this in may 2022 people thought roblox actually was finally on the same page. These items are memorable, exciting and every day seeing a new item not only showed roblox was kind and caring but also showed that the department of the marketplace had respect, and they showed passion for all the marketplace fans.
Recently as well limiteds are at an all time low for example “SupaDupaFlyCap” is 20,000 robux less than last year as items continue to collapse as the wait for a new limited continues, Roblox also dont specify very well over what they mean by regular basis ? or any other information.
Feedback and an idea
If Roblox really dont want them limited to “avoid competition” just put some of these old classics onsale like they did in the Roblox Classic items return sale that was promoted on the apple store. for two weeks for example, Putting workclocks onsale for one week on a special apple promo deal. Not only does that get extra publicized and brings traffic but it will also make people happy
Its weird to me to see how well they did in 2022 and just something got into there brains in 2023 and now as a community we are watching things being ripped apart that have always been good but roblox and community feedback have never been at such a disconnect.
Another Thing is to make everything limited or just continue, its stupid that roblox has finished half of these items unfinished, like come on ? who thought to do the blue clockworks but abandon the red and white ones, like thats just a little lazy it takes two clicks to turn items limited and makes people happy for weeks, roblox really dont see the value in community feedback which is why this sparked so much anger everywhere.
Roblox memorial day sales were great and 2022 was personally a few peoples favourites as roblox brought back some of the most iconic accessories and roblox should continue as a quick look around and its clear people are not happy with roblox and there idea or vision in this topic.
There is so much wasted potential in this area and roblox just keep turning a blind eye on all the people who care but feel like there screaming at wall as roblox continues to show a lack of judgement on these things that the community adores, its a little embarrassing.
Many players were pumped about the possibilites with avatar customization and finally being able to get there accessories that they have always dreamed of to own, It also makes no sense how half done it is for example workclock headphones need to go limited, like hello ?. It just seems so wild how a real company can go from doing something so well and then falling off within months over a judgement that they think is correct but the community hates but the marketplace department continue to be quiet, continue to not listen to feedback, all i wish was for them to listen.
Its also sad to see how there was a focus group that had no member of the department listen to anybody in there really either as ive seen so many complaints about a focus group and roblox not listening and well im not surprised in the slightest.
If roblox product management was going to lead to a success in UGC Limiteds this one line has caused many just to dislike it.
It would be wonderful for roblox to finally respond to the calls from the roblox community on this or update it or something as no one likes this idea, roblox really should focus on offsale limiteds before they UGC drive a company. All because of Investors its company first and community second.
Now a good roblox feature and the catalog thriving is now a dream and its only been two months, we should never get our hopes up with roblox as they commonly find ways to crash and burn and avoid community feedback, and guess what so far ? NO Response. As roblox expands into areas with loads of freedom and handing the reigns over, roblox always leaves a half finished job on there end and every time roblox does this Limited items feel less and less valuable, this post has probably caused them to drop faster and looking at the roblox stock it hasn’t looked nice either…
If you really built the systems then all the offsale roblox items should be limited if you really want to do this with the community, your always doing a half finished job and it sucks to put it bluntly.
This isnt iterating towards a good long term vision
Really hope @Roblox change there visions and ideologies on this as there not right, even if they cant accept that or not, its time to put the community first.
And Also on some other topics that are not smart to say in this post
This made me loose my last remaining braincells, no one reports these because roblox doesnt do anything to take them down and people have given up, If you calculated with the amount if items and limiteds it might be possible to even calculate that there is clearly more than 1% of clones so this is clearly a lie, or just a false statistic that roblox think is right but its a Roblox team so its not surprising.
Also the item that Has the literal super happy fun face stuck on it is a joke, seems we can use roblox assets now so lets all make free D0MINNUS! YAYWONO WAY. Roblox there are UGC Items using roblox assets, like your moderation for UGC Stinks so bad.
This post was so wrong and was just another marketing play to make the community feel less disconnect even though the post doesn’t help anything.
Either way happy memorial day, and have a wonderful day developers, dont have a good day have a great day.
Not only is today memorial day but roblox did such a good showcase in 2022 of what they can actually do to show they care so its just a bowl of more disappointment. As a platform they should be striving towards being community based, not being the complete opposite.
So Much Nonsense, so much confusion, no transparency and ignored feedback.
Its about time we see this happen and all these offsale items go back onsale
Roblox put workclock headphones or some item back onsale for two weeks and do that often alongside everytime you do your promotional items.
I’m really sad they’re leaving… I didn’t even get to fully experience them because I was too busy in 2016 just messing around. I do like the new game exclusive purchases you can make but I also hope developers can also make their own events with this.
My friend is unable to publish an item while having experience only and limit on copies checked, What’s up with that? Will it be fixed? We were working on a hunt and currently we cannot progress with it as we are unable to avoid people getting multiple copies of an item once they find it in the game.
Is there any fix coming soon? I’d appreciate knowing why this is happening and If its going to be fixed!
Also speaking of bugs, this seemed to be fixed, but once I made my item available only in a sub-place, which was meant to act like a scavenger hunt part of a main game, the main game (which had no protection for this item) was linked instead, and people got a bunch of botted copies. Maybe allow us to link “Sub-places” only too, or give us a warning that the main place/all places that are part of a universe are connected to the item once we input a place id. Either way, this was a fun experience, but I feel like there could be many fixes to this.
I understand that there are several posts under this thread about returning back the offsale limiteds… but!
I’ve seen tons of UGC creators already make knock off versions of the offsale items for either themselves or for people to purchase them, because they simply can not get them. I’ve already seen copies of off-sale pumpkins series, D-Inc shades, witches brew hat and more. I believe that making off-sale items limited and obtainable will solve this a lot and make a lot of players satisfied, as at the current state of UGC limiteds the best ones that did are the ones that try to mimic an old roblox limited/offsale item.
It would be great to see these features added to stuff like shirts/pants in the future; as it’s such a powerful toolset currently in the hands of people that don’t utilise it very well (UGC creators only).
I’ve seen items that are literally just Basic shapes, like there is a beveled blender cube on the market as a hat and its limited.
How do people like that even get accepted and more talented people who would use it proper dont?
Also so many hats over 10K its not even funny anymore.
This exactly.
I’m a manager - I want to upload assets to my group created by my 3D artists; and yet can’t. Because for some reason the program only accepts the people that develop the items themselves leaving properly managed businesses with teams of people (conceptual, designs, product release) in the dust.
I have many great ideas for UGC outside of just releasing content for my already existing brands (e.g merchandise) but as it stands none of this is currently feasible without paying UGC creators extortionist fees to upload them for me.
It’s quite frustrating to see Roblox restricting access to the marketplace for talented creators. I mean, why would they prioritize something as trivial as a “beveled blender cube” over other more deserving items? It just doesn’t make sense to me. I genuinely hope that Roblox rethinks their approach and recognizes the value that talented creators bring to the community.
My point exactly, why is it that people who make basic garbage like that get accepted while more talented people with unique ideas dont?
ROBLOX releasing this to the public later this year would be a right step in terms of letting people create items freely but this still will bring the issue of millions of limited clones.
Yeah, Roblox would need to go all out when it comes to moderating copies of limited items. it’s so crucial for maintaining the integrity of the whole limited item market.