Marketplace: Our Vision and Guiding Principles

Its just going to become the same issue as what happened to audio. they will receive a lawsuit and rather than removing the mentioned assets or fighting the lawsuit, they will give up entirely and private all UGC items.

In my opinion, ROBLOX should change ToS to make IP Theft a “Own Risk” type of matter, meaning that the complaint should be forwarded to the Offending user rather than ROBLOX as a company.

Still won’t fix all issues but would likely scare a good few into stopping their stealing of assets.

I hope they don’t private all UGC but would understand rebooting the market because of how cluttered it is because of the limited clones and IP stolen assets.
ROBLOX should have been more careful with UGC as a concept but they didn’t consider their own members to start stealing stuff.

PUBLIC UGC is gonna wreck the market and a Reboot where all UGC are privated/removed could be possible and im all for it if we get our value back in robux or smthn like that as compensation.

Though they likely won’t do that, instead just let the market die by itself.

UGC would be better off as just allowing ID VERI users to upload Normal items and only a handful who APPLIED and got ACCEPTED be allowed to make limiteds and more than 1 item a day, this was the whole system is a tad easier to moderate.

The whole bot system they use either doesnt flag enough or false flags so many items its a joke.
You’re a company worth millions if not billions, hire some extra people to moderate items and just make it a Queue system if it means preserving the integrity of the catalog.

IP Theft in general should be moderated more heavily, the way its handled currently can easily get them sued.

Theres hundreds of games using ASSETS from companies like Disney, Marvel, DC, etc and no one is batting an eye over it which frankly will get them hit eventually.

Content/IP theft ain’t a joke so why are there tons of games using assets they don’t own?
because its easy, thats why.

It’s easy money that blinds idiot developers who can’t think ahead and be creative, making these assets took those companies money and time which they wouldnt want some random on ROBLOX to use for free with 0 blowback, I hope these people who abuse stolen IP get sued to teach them a lesson and set an example.

If ROBLOX doesn’t wanna change TOS to disallow it then the companies who OWN those assets will take action themselves.

This is not an ATTACK but rather a Warning.

you jokers really couldn’t care less

pages full of limited copies. crowns, sparkle times, commandos, antlers, void stars, dominus hoods and feathers, vakyrie helms and “”“”“addons”“”“”

I mean even the post right above me complaining about UGC is wearing fake limiteds

change the TOS to let users sell their limiteds for USD at this point, you’ve already demonstrated that you don’t care.


They do address this in their most recent TOS. All liability is solely on the uploader. In addition they have an indemnity clause that specifies if Roblox is sued for something someone uploads, the uploader will be responsible for Roblox’s legal fees and costs.

I don’t think a lot of people who are uploading IP infringing content realize that.

I’m wearing it to show its an issue + it looks cool.

Not many actually read the ToS.

I’m part of the minority that occasionally looks through it before posting something.
Must’ve not noticed the legal fee part last time I read it lol.

It’s also the fact that I don’t have the financial funds to buy the real ones, if I did I would do that.

let’s be honest, who here actually has 150k or more to spend on a hat and why do that instead of devexing it?
makes no sense they are this pricey anyway since you cant devex resale money.

A message to Roblox @Roblox

Nobody has approximately $1,500 USD (150,000 Robux) at all by majority these days. It’s just extremely high inflation rates on the value of Robux to the point where society and the community can’t even afford a basic cosmetic item on Roblox. They resort to producing or finding similar items that are affordable while also creating a lot of complications where people already started making a lot of copyright material and 1:1 copies of everything. I wonder if Roblox actually sends people to see how the marketplace is not actually improving, besides looking at statistics charts. They should know who are the ones buying which happens to be a minority of people who probably have well beyond 150k Robux. This is a lack of care from some part of Roblox marketing that lacks to care for the majority of people who can only afford to purchase the 10k each month and expect common users to try to afford a item that worth +$1,000 of USD worth (100k Robux), which is impossible. I get Roblox needs to make money, but there is unfairness in all wealth tiers of society the imbalance they did for people who are poor, working class, and rich to afford any of the Roblox virtual items or services. which resulted the imbalance to equal to the cost of a human lung and human kidney in real life. Roblox has a lot of room for improvement to balance the Roblox Marketplace economy. We understand you need to make money, but please quit pursing the greed of +$1,000 in value from common users, it’s just a bad business practice that has been seen from many gaming industries. Please tolerate your highest purchase tier of the 20k and 10k, if you can understand that Roblox.

I fully agree, and btw 150k was the CHEAPEST dominus (formid).

look at something like praefectus which is the 2nd cheapest just around 750k or 7.5k USD.
I know dominus are a “wealthy person” item but this is absurd, I can get a couple cars for that amount and still have money left for other things.

If grown ups cant afford it how do you expect kids to buy them?
there should be a cap on how much you can increase the price past base price, because currently 999,999,999,999 Robux for a Hat is absurdity in its greatest form.

like excuse me, why do you want this much for it? you cant even devex it, so why charge THIS MUCH for a hat, and yes that is a real price for some limiteds on the high end.

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Ignoring the even dumber message above,

The whole issue with public is that moderation in itself is currently nonexistant, we’ve seen countless shameless dominus, valks and other clones appear left and right and these people know they are breaking the rules because of the new methods they use.

Current method I’m seeing used is using gamepasses to sell the item to keep the “stolen” robux in turn making deletion recovery obsolete because you bought the pass, not the item.

I said this 2 years back in a now lost post that making UGC more widespread would lead to issues beyond ROBLOX’s control and look at what’s happening now.

My advice is to delay public until a later date and fix up moderation and add a queue to item uploading,
get REAL PEOPLE to moderate these which will cost you more money but will at least ensure the system is working with no flaws, unlike the current system which is obviously not doing it’s job.

UGC is dead, it died when it released when they didn’t anticipate the stupidity that would come from it.

What I would personally do is just revoke the whole concept from the site and forget it ever happened, those with items now would be refunded and we can all go back to the market we had before all of this nonsense.

You lot are idiots for not realizing this sooner LOL,
I will watch this UGC market BURN for destroy what exists is all these UGC idiots can do nowadays.

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