MarketplaceService ProcessReceipt callback

I’m looking for some information about the ProcessReceipt callback that’s assosiated with the MarketplaceService.

I understand that we are supposed to return a ProductPurchaseDecision enum in this function, but there are a number of details here I’m unclear about.

I don’t have any questions about returning PurchaseGranted. That makes sense to me, I should only return it when the product has been granted in game successfully.

I do however have questions about NotProcessedYet. I have found posts such as this one that state that returning this enum suspends the transaction for a number of days only to attempt again if the player leaves and rejoins the game in that suspended period. If that’s true I can’t seem to find it documented anywhere officially?

If the above is true, then is there a way to fail a transaction without initiating a retry? It’s extra work for me to design a system that may have a reciept come in during a session that wasn’t actually prompted by the player.

Finally, what happens if I return nil in this callback? Is that the same as the NotProcessedYet enum, or what happens?

Any help (with supporting links to official sources) would be greatly appreciated!



It will also retry any failed purchases when a new purchase has been made in the same session

No, sadly we do not have this option after asking Roblox for years :smiling_face_with_tear:


You can test these behavior in studio or in game with a 1R$ Dev product to be sure.

There isn’t any new documentation on this whatsoever

Last time I check was a few years back we didn’t have any documentation, but it seems like some has been added


Is this documented anywhere? It seems like this is all just word of mouth?

I could verify this (and will), but I think it’s a bit crazy that this isn’t written down somewhere?

Edit: answered me w/ an edit


Very vague…

(I’ll look for more I remember there are some small traces of information)

There is a timeout period when the purchase expires and Robux is returned to the player, I think it’s 3 days.

I had the same question in 2018 @EgoMoose I hope you find something useful from here