I would like to have a extra argument to the :PromptProductPurchase() method. Quantity (so that amount of the item that you would like to buy)
Why :
I use a Currency called ‘Credits’, it would be handy if I Player can pick a desired amount and that it would be added to the User, instead of that I have to create multiple Products to achieve the same thing.
Example :
Someone wants to buy 43 diamonds. He picks from our dialog (Developer needs to care take of that) and clicks ‘Purchase’, the request is send to the MarketService and the User gets his desired 43 diamonds.
What is the issue with offering us the option to do it that way ? Why do we need to follow those games that offer them in packages that are always too big ? I want to let my Users pay for what they get, and not left with spare …
No one is forcing you to make ridiculous amounts of credits purchased the only transaction. Have 1-2 low transactions, 2 medium transactions and 1-2 huge ones, for example. Make the things they can buy with credits the same amount as different packages you sell if you don’t want them left with spare.
That would be a option if the Shop doesn’t change all the time, during to the fact that I have a calendar for special deal events (like 30% off, and Coupon codes that I offer to Players that have reported a criticial bug for example.)
I really don’t get why DEVELOPER PRODUCTS can’t have this option.