Marking up multiple posts as solutions

Dear Developer Forum,
I wanted to request the ability for someone, who made a topic on the forum to mark multiple posts as the solution. In so many topics, especially about scripting, I have seen so far and even in some of my own I saw people giving two or more different, but still solving solutions. Sadly there is no possibility of marking multiple posts as solutions so OPs have to keep themselves on only one. If someone will review that topic over time they might only see one of the possible solutions, but the other one just stays without attention. I believe that would be a very neat feature for lots of developers!
Thank you!


All you need to do is take both of the solutions and put them into your own post

Mark that as a solution and credit them

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Once upon a time I would’ve agreed but now I don’t

For now, your best bet is to just mark the solution which is the one which helped you the most

The CEO of discourse (the forum’s software) said this that it would make everything more complicated

Discourse CEO Response

also Hooksmith would recommend you to check this topic out soo yep, Hooksmith can tell you to search before posting (he is a roblox staff that works on the forums)

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