(This portfolio is outdated, please see the Talent Hub instead)
HOWEVER, If you’d like to view my legacy works and full lists, you should take a time reviewing this DevForum Post as well.
Who I am?
Hello there! I’m just a ROBLOX game developer (also known as “Mcxgamecaster_YT” since 2017) with 3 years of experience in Roblox studios building and 2 years of GFX design experiences! I’ve been working on many ROBLOX groups and most of them are development work as well, I’m also learning on Lua scripting for a year and working on my own SCPF project but that doesn’t mean I’m not good at UI designs, believe or not that I do take care the whole project myself, even UI designs, terrain, and animating aren’t my main but I do know how to make them as well!
Sadly that I do not open any commission for now, but I’ll update whenever I’m free and available to work on multi projects due to I’m currently working on 3 projects and don’t pretty messy with other stuff also irl business as well.
Media links
Discord: ほみえちゃん~♡~#5695
S.C.P.F Generation: S.C.P.F Generation - Roblox