Material-based audio distortion

Bold text has main question

I want to achieve a system to allow for audio distortion using the LowGain and MidGain with an EqualizerSoundEffect (I’m using the MidGain for boatbomber’s 3D Sound System).

I currently have a system to cast a ray between parts, getting the distance traveled within solid objects and their materials (information shown below). Using my known values (or any I may need) I want to do some calculations to get the LowGain and MidGain (doesn’t matter which values) to distort sound based upon parts in-between the speaker and listener. Basically muffling audio if it’s heard through walls.

An issue might be that LowGain and or MidGain just aren’t the correct values to edit for this, in this case I can just pick one, but if it’s HighGain I should edit, i’ll have to test stacking EqualizerSoundEffect, or mathematically combining two values.
Edit: Just tested it, they do, in fact, stack

Another red flag that I have realised is, when using the densities that I can calculated, how should I use them in tangent with ray, as the ray is an infinitely small cast (most likely, I just need to give it a radius and so it like that)

Since the release of the world panel, we now know the canonical size of one stud (28 cm / 11 in), I can use this to calculate rough densities of materials in grams/stud³ with some quick calculations (made a C# script to do them for me, formulas are most likely wrong so feel free to correct me on them).

Main Script
-- This can be used to get maximum distance ray can travel within part
function module:GetPartHypotenuse(instance)
-- Omitted to shorten code block

function module:CastRay(rayOrigin, rayDirection, range)
	--// Initialize Values \\--
	local returnValue = {}
	local totalDistance = 0

	--// Cast Ray \\--
	local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection * range)
	if raycastResult then
		-- Create new params and whitelist hit part so it doesn't hit new parts
		local inverseRaycastParams =
		inverseRaycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
		inverseRaycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = { raycastResult.Instance }
		-- Get maximum distance ray can travel, add a padding value (set to 1)
		local hypotenuse = module:GetPartHypotenuse(raycastResult.Instance) + padding
		local inversePosition = raycastResult.Position + rayDirection * hypotenuse
		local inverseDirection = -1 * ( rayDirection * hypotenuse )
		local inverseRaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(inversePosition, inverseDirection, inverseRaycastParams)
		local newPosition = inverseRaycastResult.Position - rayDirection
		local remainingRange = ( rayOrigin - inverseRaycastResult.Position ).Magnitude + 1
		-- Loop until the ray length is finished and all parts are found
		local returnDistance = 0; if remainingRange > 0 then
		 	returnDistance, returnValue = module:CastRay(newPosition, rayDirection, remainingRange)

		-- Calculate distance traveled within the part via the magnitude, add this to the TotalDistance
		local distanceWithinPart = (raycastResult.Position - inverseRaycastResult.Position).Magnitude
		totalDistance += distanceWithinPart + returnDistance
		-- Add this runs data to the array
		returnValue[#returnValue + 1] = { ["Distance"] = distanceWithinPart, ["Material"] = raycastResult.Material }
	end return totalDistance, returnValue
Basic Raycast Test (Example Output)


	[1] =  ▼  {
		["Distance"] = 2.75,
		["Material"] = Cobblestone
	[2] =  ▼  {
		["Distance"] = 2.75,
		["Material"] = Fabric
	[3] =  ▶ {...},
	[4] =  ▶ {...},
	[5] =  ▶ {...},
	[6] =  ▶ {...}
Density Calculation Script (C#)
using System;

namespace RobloxDensityCalculator {
	class Program {
		const double CentimetreToStud = 28;

		static void Main ( string[] args ) {
			Console.Write("Input (kg/m³): ");
			double input = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

			double GramsPerCentimetreCubed = input / 1000;
			double GramsPerStudCubed = GramsPerCentimetreCubed * CentimetreToStud;
			Console.WriteLine("Output: {0} g/stud³", GramsPerStudCubed);
Densities (Most likely will be changed)
--// List Values in g/stud³ \\--
module.MaterialDensities = {
	[Enum.Material.Brick] = 50.4,
	[Enum.Material.Cobblestone] = 3.5,
	[Enum.Material.Concrete] = 67.2,
	[Enum.Material.CorrodedMetal] = 172,
	[Enum.Material.DiamondPlate] = 224,
	[Enum.Material.Fabric] = 15.764,
	[Enum.Material.Foil] = 28,
	[Enum.Material.ForceField] = 0,
	[Enum.Material.Glass] = 70,
	[Enum.Material.Granite] = 75.348,
	[Enum.Material.Grass] = 52,
	[Enum.Material.Ice] = 25.676,
	[Enum.Material.Marble] = 75.908,
	[Enum.Material.Metal] = 224,
	[Enum.Material.Neon] = 56.234,
	[Enum.Material.Pebble] = 75.6,
	[Enum.Material.Plastic] = 32.564,
	[Enum.Material.Sand] = 40.376,
	[Enum.Material.Slate] = 75.348,
	[Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic] = 32.564,
	[Enum.Material.Wood] = 18.76,
	[Enum.Material.WoodPlanks] = 16.23

Many thanks,