Material Picker [Full Release]

revolutionary. the removal of the original material picker literally made me use the properties tab for it. thanks for making something more manageable.


Thank you so much for all your work in the materials area. I love PBR and materials like that. So far having this new tab, especially the Custom area is super mega useful since I can find my materials super quick now! Cannot wait to see how this keeps evolving! Thank you so much for all your work! So far loving anything PBR here in Roblox, everything just looks so cool and reminds me so much of the Unreal Engine PBR look. Keep it up guys! awesome update! :slight_smile:

Edit: I wanted to add guys, if we could have a small window [maybe located at the right side as a small panel in addition to this new method at the top area screen] to make quick material copies and maybe quickly modify them that would be awesome in the material preview tab [the new one]. A small window where we could also quickly modify things like tiling/UVing while previewing the material. A -right- click functionality on each material slot in this new window that would allow/appear a drop-down menu with a few options [that would later on spawn a small settings window with sliders or quick re-name box] to make maybe a copy or quickly re-name. Just adding some ideas but so far, I really love this update. It is awesome! I love that I can quickly preview materials by hovering over them. So far it is awesome!!! Thank you for everything you guys do!


Fantastic update. I appreciate the team who made this feature happen!


Itā€™s like the old dropdown for materials! Glad to see it make a return, with what feels like more refined convenience!


Amazing! I love the new material picker.

A long while ago I have created a plugin called RoCopy, it copies the material of the first selected part and then apply it to all others. It would be nice to see some feature like this implemented natively in the future!


oh thatā€™s actually really sick
with me being a material addict, iā€™d hope for more custom materials but for the terrain editor next


Awesome work! I can see so many use cases for this. Very happy with this release :tada:


I love this feature too! Remember how Roblox Studio used to have an older quick way to get materials next to the colors? The ones with the older icons? - Riley


So itā€™s the old material chooser with a search bar and paint tool. This isnā€™t ā€œamazingā€ work, itā€™s just a very average and regular update. Iā€™m not complaining though.

Finally! I can now easily pick materials instead of opening a large UI just to select one material!

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The paint feature is something that Iā€™ve long waited for!

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glad the functionality of using it as a tool rather than applying to currently selected bricks has finally been restored, but why is the ui still so unnecessarily big? it only shows 9 ginormous icons at once, when the original tool could show them all at once as a perfectly readable set of 16x16 buttons

between this and the new terrain editor and material manager that are so large and cumbersome that they are literally unusable unless you drag them to be full-size tabs in the viewport area, it seems as if every new roblox studio ui is being designed and tested exclusively by people who use 1440p monitors at 96 DPI or something

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Custom materials have changed the game a bit! When you have a fair number of custom materials, having a more detailed preview has been pretty useful. Is having a grid of smaller icons important for your workflow? We were exploring the idea of adjustable preview sizes, but that work ended up being a bit out of scope for the release.

Have you been able to use it for a bit and get a feel for the tool? Iā€™m especially curious to hear if youā€™ve tried the features under the Rapid Selection and Rapid Application bullets above, to see if those meet your needs for your workflow.

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Does this release include the new materials (Rubber etc.)?

Those are still in beta, but if you have the beta enabled youā€™ll be able to see and use them here!

Introducing 8 New Base Materials [Studio Beta] for info on how to enable the beta.

iā€™ve been trying it out and material action as a tool has been great to have back

one weird thing iā€™ve noticed: if you have materials set to override default ones, then they will show up twice in the menu, as both the overridden default and the specific variant

technically these two options are different since one will persist even if the material override is disabled/changed and the other wonā€™t, but it could be kinda confusing in grid view; could there be an option to hide material variants if they are overriding a default one?

Interesting idea! The filter chip for ā€œDefaultā€ will show only those materials though. Does that work for your purposes?

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There seems to be a problem. Every time I enable the material and color picker, studio crashes. I tried disabling all beta features and plugins and the same happens. If I try to use the tool while it is enabled studio crashes as well.
However, for some reason, studio doesnā€™t crash when I try it in ā€œBaseplateā€, ā€œClassic Baseplateā€ and ā€œFlat Terrainā€. Any other place will cause it to crash, no matter how many parts there are.

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