Material scale feature

I think it would be a great addition to add a new property to parts where you can scale the material texture to scale up or down. Like for example floor planks in the image below. You can barely see them since their pattern is so small. There is many cases where it would be beneficial to have the option to scale their material size to better fit your needs.


What you actually want are UV controls. This would open up texture positioning by adjust UV coordinates and size by adjusting UV tiling.


I don’t think Roblox’s default materials use UVs. I think they use tri-planar mapping.
What OP suggested seems like a good idea; a simple scale value.


This is actually a really powerful feature request that I’d actually use. I do find the same issue as you when materials show up small and having fine-grain control to scale that would fix a lot of my problems. +1


Increasing the scale of materials would look pretty bad because the resolution would of course not change and it’s probably infeasible to provide these materials at a high enough resolution to make this feature viable, plus I think it’s pretty rare that I want to make materials smaller (e.g. really only brick, cobblestone, pebble, fabric).

Really, the only things I want for control over built in materials is intensity of PBR maps, and the ability to force the materials on certain parts to use the same UV offsets so they always align across separate parts.


They can get an 8k texture to work with if they don’t already.


I think you’re forgetting that Roblox runs on low end mobile devices.

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And? Every game isn’t built for mobile is it? Last I recall that was a setting you had to turn on. Even if it’s just a scale of whatever the current resolution is would be fine with me.


That is irrelevant, built-in materials are shipped with the Roblox installation. Worst case they would have to take up memory on low-memory, and mobile devices regardless of what you do in your games. A mobile game running 8k textures is laughable and implausible.

In the best case, assuming Roblox can decide whether to load low or high resolution textures into memory only when the device can handle it, creates a problem with developers using this feature unknowing that it creates hideous results on old phones and tablet computers.

There’s not really a way to win with this suggestion.

A better solution here is custom materials; you can just upload your own larger textures for a plank material.


Wouldn’t uploading your own texture be more likely to be not as performant as what is provided by default?


No, because your uploaded texture would not be 8k, it would be a reasonable resolution for the single scale it will be displayed at. It would be designed to be displayed at one size and thus would not require excessive image resolution. If Roblox were to provide this feature, material textures would need to be large enough to be scaled up without looking horrendous, which has platform-wide negative impact (i.e. storage, memory), or else developers would have to accept that they can only scale down materials, which does not suit OP’s use-case.

I don’t think that increasing the resolution limit for this to be possible creates platform-wide negative effects. I mean, storage and whatnot are to be expected. Even if Roblox made you pay a fee to upload this, I’d agree to it. Makes perfect sense.

Sometimes, I don’t really want to appeal to low-end users so, I’d have more to work with in terms of memory. We really should have better UV controls.


The base materials could easily be recreated using this table, made by Roblox themselves: Materials | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub