Material Service Beta Updated with Per Part Custom Materials + More

What’s the performance impact of many MaterialVariants simply existing, assume no parts contain the MaterialVariant as a property? Are they expensive?

I’m working on a game that will include customization of parts’ materials and whatnot but I fear it could be problematic if I have to create 15 MaterialVariants for 15 types of flooring.


Is there like links can be proivded for us to use? or can roblox make a custom materials that players can use instead of looking for new one

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After testing the update with like 10 - 12 new materials, I have to say not really. The only slow down I think you could experience is longer loading times from loading the materials.


That is good to know. Thanks for that!

There are many places you can get PBR textures that are free to use. I would recommend the PBR pack below first. If you don’t find any PBR from there that you like, there are 3 sites i’m aware of perfect for PBR textures.

Will Add more resources when more are discovered;

PBR Site 1:
PBR Site 2:
PBR Site 3:
PBR Site 4:


Please make non-opaque objects visible through glass. Glass was released over four years ago, and we still cannot do something as simple as a window overlooking a lake. I, and many others, would be more than willing to suffer the performance impact.

These material updates are great, but this limitation severely impacts my workflow. Glass is a great material, but when smoke, particles, water, and even other transparent parts do not render through it, it’s almost useless.


Wow this is so awesome! Many modelers and builders will definetly enjoy this, thanks for the effort

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I totally did not realize it has been that long until you said it.

Yeah, Roblox, that is genuinely disappointing - How can you even pretend to compete with other engines & on a Metaverse level when you’ve got such an incomplete glass transparency system out in the open?


More Material Custom


I hope version 3 will allow terrains to use material variants as opposed to material overrides. The current version allowing only 22 concurrent textures overshadows the ability to customize them. if anyone knows any hacky methods to override textures without refreshing terrain that would be great :smile:

Custom dirt texture, that’ll sort the job

Are there any plans to allow for additional material-based colours?
With a white base-colour, my material’s orange center diamond displays correctly. But once I start changing the colour, it affects the colour of the center diamond.

Would it be possible to be able to include additional Color/BrickColor slots for BaseParts depending on the number of ColorMaps included, so we can alter different elements of the material? I’d love to be able to change this so I have a red exterior, but a blue interior diamond for one part, then inverted on another part.

It would also be incredibly useful if we could upload a material and be able to determine the considered size/position of that material. This would allow us to upload a texture atlas for a single BaseMaterial and grab from as needed.


I like this update,
but i have a question , this is maybe not the right topic but this one is active
so i made a mesh and it has surface apperance with transperency, i made some parts transparent so i can replace them with any material and color but it doesn work
the problem;

when i set it to transperency the mesh becomes transparent, and when i set it to overlay it only gets the color and not the material

what i want to achieve:

the surface aperance with on the transparence background an aplied material and color without using a new mesh

this would be very useful if added, (:smile:


Will the current behavior ever be reintroduced as an option, or is it being fully removed?

just use a seperate decal mesh, it’s a totally normal way to do things even outside roblox, for that mesh to be separate from the tiled texture.

reflection is for roughness. normaldetail is… a detail normal texture. there’s no metalness in your screenshot because only a few of the Roblox materials are metallic; metal, tinfoil, parts of the rusty metal from what I can remember.

also, you’re going to have to compute the blue normal maps from their BC5 compressed versions.

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Any API to set material per part?

Oo, are there plans for a decorations update? like how grass has grass? so we can add custom decor etc

Also I would like to be able to use random mapping from terrain on part, My texture is still visibly tiled

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i know
i this case it would work
but if i have a mesh door for example,
it has surface apperance for the hendle
but i want to be able to hange the texture of the door