Materials do not work for FileMeshes and SpecialMeshes

Since MeshParts now support materials, it should follow that FileMeshes and SpecialMeshes would also support them. But currently, both of these mesh objects still do not support materials yet.


Please no for SpecialMesh.

Can’t you just set the material to SmoothPlastic if you don’t want a material on a SpecialMesh?

I use FileMeshes to have large objects in the background of my games as scenery, I really need this since you can’t put repeated textures on file meshes anyhow.

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I’m currently doing something like this too. The fact that we have to is a bit silly though! With these things we could leave *Mesh objects behind altogether:

  • A NoCollisions property, which turns off any and all checking of if parts touch. The Touched even cannot detect this part, and it will act as if CanCollide is false (and set CanCollide to false). This makes movement and placement of huge parts and detailed parts efficient at the cost of having no collisions. Parts can be attached to physically simulated parts using Welds or Constraints as normal.
  • A NoShadows property, which turns off voxel light grid calculations for the object entirely. The part will cast no shadows and will be efficient to move around, just like setting the Offset property of a Mesh.
  • Unlimited size for parts. Or, at the least, unlimited size for NoShadows, NoCollisions parts.

Why not?

I want materials for SpecialMeshes. There’s no other way to have a mesh with material and an offset.


It’s the only way to separate the specular of the material from its diffuse, bump, and normal.

This should be achievable through a feature, not an obscure limitation of special meshes.

In my experience with ROBLOX, unusual limitations and hacks are the norm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe they’re turning over a new leaf and I’m judging too soon.


This is a very old post, but SpecialMeshes should not have a limitation on FileMeshes & Materials, while the default SpecialMesh mesh-types don’t. I find SpecialMeshes useful since the visible scale property can be 0, while a MeshPart’s size property has to be greater than .05. Based on my understanding, having SpecialMeshes show their material wouldn’t affect anything more than what the MeshParts do, and won’t result to be an expensive feature whatsoever.

I don’t know if SpecialMeshes will be depreciated in the future, even so it’s pointless to keep FileMeshes & Materials separate.

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Do not bump old bug reports.
Do not hijack threads.
This is not a bug, this is currently intended behavior.