MCSO - Training Guide

Mano County Sheriff’s Office, Training Guide


Lv.0 - Only assistant training.

Lv.1 - Host normal training Trainee - Major // Assistant training

Lv.2 - Host normal training Trainee - Major // Host Staff Trainings Major - Assistant UnderSheriff// Assistant Trainings / interviews

Lv.3 - Host normal trainings Trainee - Major // Host Staff Trainings Major - UnderSheriff // Assistant Trainings // Host Events / interviews

Lv.4 - Host normal trainings Trainee - Major // Host Staff Trainings Major - Sheriff // Assistant Trainings // Host Events / interviews

Rank Levels

Major + Assistant // Lv.0

Administrator + Host / Assistant // Lv.1

Assistant UnderSheriff + Host / Assistant // Supervise // Lv.2

High Command+ Host / Assistant / Supervisor // Lv.3

Development Team+ // Lv.4

Before the training:

Patrol map:

:m Training for [Rank] to [Rank]! Join now in your training center for a possible promotion!

Training Center:

:m Training for [Rank] to [Rank]! To fall in, please STS for a possible promotion!

Training Center:


:setmessage STS! PTS is enabled! AFK? → Inform Host and hug a tree!

(Optional: :countdown [seconds until training starts] )

There should always be 3+ Trainees, otherwise, the training will be canceled.

When training begins:

Introduction (All ranks):

:m Welcome to

SnipBlox’s Mano Training Center! I’m your Host[Host] and I’m joined by my Co-Host [Co-Host].

:m Before we start we need to go over some rules.

:m Rule A: Call us by our Rank!

:m Rule B: Be respectful to the trainers and your fellow trainees!

:m Rule C: Don’t speak without PTS!

:m Rule D: Please act mat ure and professional!

:m Now with that out of the way, let’s start with the uniform!

Uniform Introduction (All ranks):

:m We will now teach you the basics of the Uniform during your patrol.

:m Your Uniform should be visible at all times and you must not wear any T-Shirts above this or Hats that block your face, also No-Packages.

:m Doing so will result in a warning.

[When Trainees in training:]

:m I will use commands today because there are trainees here, but please remember to keep the uniform also in training!

(You have to check all the uniforms now! Also check if you have avatars with realistic colors and realistic faces.)

(If the trainee doesn't have realistic colors and faces, tell him to change the color and face for realistic 120 seconds so he can change)

{:timer 120}

:removepackage %Trainee

:removehats %Trainee

:m That’s it for the Uniform Introduction, Do you have any questions regarding uniforms?

Wait for questions.

:m Then let’s continue with faces.

Faces (All ranks):

:m Does everyone know their faces?

If no:

:m Here are all the faces!

:m Left face - Turn 90 degrees to your left.

Right face - Turn 90 degrees to your right.

About-face - Turn 180 degrees in the direction.

Control face - Always face the Host. Only the center face breaks this!

Center face- Face the stage.

Left incline - Turn 45 degrees to your left.

Right incline - Turn 45 degrees to your right.

If yes or after no:

:m You will now be tested on how you do faces.

Test the faces.

Marching Drill Commands:

:n Prepare (Get ready, focus on the instructor to see where he/she is going.)

:n Forward (We are immediately moving forward, be prepared to march.)

:n March (Start the march.)

:n Kick (Jump)

:n Halt (Stop marching.)

(If trainees do not know the commands, explain them)

Obby Part:

:m Welcome to the Obby! This is where we test your speed and agility!

:m You have to pass the obby in time.

:m Remember! You have to climb down the rope. DON’T jump down.

:m Now STS on the green line.

:m When you’re done with the Obby STS on the red line. On my Glock you start.

:countdown 130 (shoot at 120 sec.)


:m As we enter, STAND BEHIND a seat left to right, front to back.

(Enter the classroom.)

:m Please take a seat.

:m You can now take out your notebook with !notepad.

:m I will now explain important tools.

:m ER-31X (Taser) - This device is responsible for causing muscle contractions in the nervous system causing temporary pain and paralysis making sure the suspect doesn’t flee or try to harm someone again if it has already happened.

:m Pepper spray - This tool is responsible for blinding the suspect and dropping him, do not use this excessively as it does inflict damage that can sometimes be lethal.

:m Glock - This tool is used to putting down or inflict damage upon a suspect, it can also be used to influence a suspect’s decision.

:m Handcuffs - Used to frisk or arrest a suspect.

:m Radar gun - Used to track someone’s speed to gain probable cause to pull them over.

:m Police Baton - Used to immobilize a suspect and hit the suspect for assaulting you causing moderate damage or for charging at you.

:m Citation book - Used to punish someone for an infraction or a misdemeanor that they have broken.

:m Riot Shield - Used to protect yourself from bullets, or to contain a riot in the street.”.

:m Radio - Used for communication between law enforcement agencies as well as fire & rescue and DoT.

:m Flashlight - Used to see in dark areas or to intimidate a suspect not willing to answer questions for evidence, keep in mind they don’t have to answer your questions.

:m Barriers and cones - Barriers and cones are used for signaling and directing traffic.

:m Reasonable suspicion is when you are SUSPICIOUS that a crime is actively or has taken place, you may not search, arrest, or detain. You may stop and talk to the person(s) but you must leave promptly if asked.

:m For example Bob walks around a corner where shots have been heard, Bob is casually walking, you stopped Bob to talk but he asks you to leave because you have no evidence, you must leave Bob alone. But you are always allowed to check his ID.

:m I will now explain our force model.

:m Level A) Compliant - The suspect is compliant and is working with you, no force is needed. Make sure to give the same amount of force you are dealing with.

:m Level B) Resistant [Passive] - The suspect is getting non-compliant, not following orders, and is yelling as well as growing in aggression, you’d use pepper spray, or grab the suspect. Other things you can do as well is yell and use a stern voice.

:m Level C) Resistant [Active] - The suspect is not working with you at all, he is moving his arms, getting fidgety, and is yelling and screaming, he starts to come at you, in aggression and anger, you may use your taser or baton.

:m Level D) Assaultive - The suspect has hit you or is attempting to hit you, you may use your taser, baton, pepper spray, punching and/or kicking, whatever you can do to de-escalate the situation.

:m Level E) Lethal - The suspect has inflicted a great amount of damage or is attempting to, you may use your Glock to shoot him or baton to hit him if you can get close enough, do not use pepper spray as that is FRP.

Radio Codes (10-Codes):

:m To communicate on the radio when you are on duty, you will need to use these codes to culminate with the other officers in service.


:m Here the Rádio Codes (10-Codes):

:m 10-0 = Officer Down

10-1 = Officer Needs Help/Officer Hit from Shots Fired

10-4 = Message Understood/Copy

10-7 = Off-Duty/Out of Service

:m 10-8 = On-Duty/In Service

10-9 = Repeat Message

10-15 = Suspect in Custody

10-20 = Requesting Location

:m 10-32 = Need Backup

10-50 = Accident/Collision

10-71 = Shots Fired

10-80 = Vehicle Pursuit

:m 10-90 = Foot Pursuit

10-95 = Traffic Stop

10-97 = On-Scene

Traffic Stop

:m Welcome to the traffic stop section of the training where we will go over how to perform a traffic stop!

:m Get the suspect pulled over to the right-hand side of the road. Then call it in on the radio to notify other deputies!

:m The format for calling in a traffic stop is this: “10-95, [Location], [Car description], [Number of occupants], [32’s or not].” Use it always!

:m You can replace “10-95” with “Traffic” and “10-32” with “assist” if you want.

:m When you’re done with that, you should introduce yourself like this: “Hello sir/Ma’am, [Rank] [Username] with the MCSO. Do you know why you were pulled over today?”

:m Flipping Policy: There has been an issue with flipping your car. When in a pursuit, you are NOT allowed to flip your vehicle unless you call off the pursuit.

:m Now my Co-Host and I will demonstrate a proper Traffic stop.

(Also if you don’t have a Co-host you can grab a Trainee to be the Civilian. Show them the traffic stop.)

After this let them try the traffic stop.

High-risk stop

:m Welcome to the high-risk stop section of the training where we will go over how to perform an HRS!

:m Get the suspect pulled over to the right-hand side of the road. Then call it in on the radio to notify other deputies!

:m The format for calling in a traffic stop is this: “10-95 HRS, [Location], [Car description], [Number of occupants], [32’s needed].” Use it always!

:m You can replace “10-95” with “Traffic” and “10-32” with “assist” if you want.

:m We will now discuss the proper positions on how to properly do a traffic stop.

:m 1:1 (Car 1, Position 1) - This position is the closest to the driver’s side door. 1:1 orders the driver to turn the ignition/engine off and throw the keys out of the window. Afterward, the driver is ordered to open the door, step out of the vehicle facing away, and walk back until 1:1 says “Stop!”.

:m 1:2 (Car 1, Position 2) - After 1:1 is finished, 1:2 will take over and direct the driver to step to the right 4 steps. 1:2 will then detain the subject, bring them to the back of the car, search them, and arrest them.

:m 2:1 (Car 2, Position 1) - This position has the same job as 1:2 but with the passenger on the passenger side. They will detain any passenger on the right-hand side of the vehicle.

:m 2:2 (Car 2, Position 2) - This position has the same job as 1:1 except it is regarding the passengers on the right side of the vehicle. This position orders all passengers on the right side of the vehicle to walk to the left 4 steps after 2:1 is finished with their commands.

You will now test the Training of the following with the HRS diagram set up.

: give %all Glock

:give (name) Hand (Only for 1:2 and 2:2)

After HRS:

:removetools %trainee

Defense Tactic

:m Welcome to Defensive Tactics. Here the administrators will pretend to be the Suspects. You will be given a Glock, Police Baton, Pepper Spray, and Handcuffs.

:m The format for calling a civilian is this: “(Hello sir! I’m [Rank] [Officer name] with the Sherrif Dep!)” Use this whenever the civilian is not risking you!

:m You are to use them when you feel in danger and you have given multiple warnings.

:m Please take them out only when on the mat, otherwise it could result in a kick!

:m We will have two different situations, the first shooting situation, and the second prison situation.

(Instructors remember to do both situations)

:give %trainee Glock

:give %trainee police baton

:give %trainee pepper

:give %trainee Hand

:give %instructor Glock

:give %instructor knife

After Defense Tactics:

:removetools %trainee

Shooting Range

:m Welcome to the shooting range! I will soon give you a Glock 19 but first, we need to go over some rules and Shooting Range commands!

:m Rule A: Never shoot when there is an officer or civilian in your line of fire!

:m Rule B: Just shoot a suspect when he risks you or civilians!

:m Rule C: Always analyze the situation before shooting!

:m Here are some Shooting Range commands.

:m Obey orders or you will fail!

:m Ready = Draw your firearm.

Aim - Aim your firearm.

:m Fire = Fire one clip.

Fire at will = Fire until the host says “Ceasefire”.

:m Reload = Reload your firearm.

Ceasefire = Stop shooting.

Holster = Holster your firearm.

:m You may now pick a booth!

:give %trainee Glock

After Shooting range:

:removetools %trainee


(instructors ask questions of trainees about some of the things that were said during the training)

:m Welcome to the promotion part. The best part. Before we start, I can’t promote everyone, as much as I would like to.

:m If you have a blue bubble around you then SFL before [Host].

:ff [player] (for the force field)

Higher rank= Higher performance needed!

Who is not promoted:

(Talk to him/her and tell the trainee that he has sadly failed training)

:kick (name) Better luck next time, feel free to rejoin a new training, or the game itself.

After kick those who fail:

:unff all

(Go to discord and use bloxcord to promote everyone who will pass the training)

After promotions:

:m Training finished, dismissed! Congratulations all promoted!

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