Yeah lol regulars make bad posts too. This is a post made by a regular lmao
And he’s an online dater too. Look at the bottom.
As a studying psychologist, I think I will have to coin a new condition in my thesis: Regulirium.
When people become regulars on the DevForum it seems they become totally oblivious to any external factors and only ever use their own experience and information from regular only sections of the forum to prove their point. They enter a state of delirium which makes them incapable of understanding or accepting other perspectives, leading them to often post passive-aggressive comments to bait people into calling them out so that they can cry to dev relations to see their opponent reprimanded.
This individual in the post you’ve specified is totally oblivious to the immense danger presented by his idea and how immeasurably stupid it is. However, since (luckily - I am happy for him) things have gone well and have worked out - he got married etc - he believes that this is a viable format for everybody else and they should be subjected to it. The points he makes to alleviate the danger are quite humorous and I really hope that this post is made in jest, but considering the pool of individuals selected to be a regular I assume that it is not. But he does not care about the people in danger, for he can only see the positives in what has happened and thus suggests them to be added.
Now keep in mind we are restricted from using a method of communication with roblox engineers/staff, while somebody who has lost the capacity to think logically is spreading dangerous ideas like this is allowed to speak their mind freely. Nobody in that section is outspoken or critical, they simply have well toned longus capitis from nodding so much.
Yeah man, lets just allow kids to be catfished, good idea - a regular
As far as I know, devforum mods don’t touch anything in #feature-requests and #bug-reports cus they’re simply not qualified to do so. It has been like that since the forum opened up in 2019 and that’s why Post Approval (community members) were handling the moderation for it and not the employees.
I 100% agree with you on this. Just even trying to have a civil discussion with them off-platform just turns into them throwing a hissy fit like a bunch of 5 year olds.
But I don’t agree with this. Most if not all regulars worked hard to be where they are, even tho they got no backbone and act like most of you here so far, they’re all talented developers and I do sincerely hope that regular promotion opens up again to add to the pool of talent.
It does not, you’re right but also if you took a second to look beyond “oh no they’re a a big bad regular” you would’ve seen that I’ve been advocating for members for a while now, I just don’t agree to having already backlogged categories set on fire by even more backlog. But hey, if that helps your narrative that I am a just a selfish jackass who kisses up to staff, then be it
It’s nothing to do with being a big bad regular, it’s just every regular I’ve ever come into contact with (bar 1, now 2 including you) was a quasi-narcissistic NPC with nothing to add to anything trying to shove other people’s ideals that they immediately consumed and agreed with down other people’s throat.
Regulars should be representatives of the regular roblox player - in my opinion at least - not people who talk on the forum all day. This is not a positive quality, it in-fact means they have too much spare time that they waste having “hissy fits” with others instead of being productive. Timewasting is not a good quality.
My point is that everybody is so dismissive of the truth. The staff are underqualified, the quality control is underqualified and there’s just a constant cycle of yes men that nod their heads at every feature and idea that is brought forward. The talent hub is a prime example, and most of the people who defend it on the posts against it are regulars. They should just get it right the first time by having well trained people who communicate with well versed members of the community to make a smoother transition which may have a few bumps and debates instead of having a messy, terrible system that has no friction because everybody is in agreement on bad ideas.
9/10 regulars are on a world of their own, totally disconnected from the player base and clueless to anything that goes on because they aren’t actually part of the wider roblox community, they just spammed posts to maintain a criteria and are rewarded with things that can be used to make a difference - but are given to people who cannot.
This was not intended to be a personal attack, I don’t know of you and I simply used your points to convey the fact that you have been posting the same messages as other regulars that people just can’t get behind. Like no offense but this post: PSA: Stop posting for the sake of posting is totally useless, meaningless and is ironically just you posting for the sake of posting. I have no problem with that, more power to you to express yourself and what you believe in.
My problem is that you are allowed to post in a section of the forum that I, and thousands of other developers are unable to access. I have actually gone through your posts and admittedly, the ‘stop posting for the sake of posting’ is certainly an anomaly as most of your other suggestions are fairly good. But you just made that post on a bad day or whatever, half of the regulars make useless posts consistently.
I don’t want to shout out my own post or say I deserve better but an example of this is my post: which garnered a myriad of support from loads of users, most of which provided an even more solid argument than myself. My post was deleted, muted, shadow banned, forced to rename etc. The amount of people that agreed with it were insane, but hardly anyone in the regular section was vocal about it - despite it being a general consensus between devs that the talent hub is pretty bad (but there are positives to it, it can be improved). If half of the people who contributed to my post were a regular and had the ability to discuss with engineers I guarantee the talent hub would be so good nobody would use HiddenDevs or the DevForum anymore for jobs and commissions. Roblox staff probably don’t even know we disliked the removal, because nobody has given them the message.
I think roblox should simply demote all regulars or make the powers of the role redundant and make a new rank that is allowed to speak with moderation - based on the fact that they are community representatives, not people who talk a lot. There could then be channels for normal players to talk to the community representatives to prevent the spam that you’re talking about. Roblox should specifically add people who are really smart, but agreeable (so semi-head nodders) and people who are super critical so that they engage in constant debate and almost always come up with the best solution to the problem because they’d have merged all their ideas together (and the ideas of the engineers) into one unanimous decision.
I am sorry but this just made me choke on my tea. So you talked to only 2 regulars and just because you don’t like what we’re telling you, we’re all suddenly NPCs? I can see why no one wants anything to do with the devforum nowadays.
This is so untrue… There are many features that Roblox has forced upon us all that people have fought back against. One of them is automatic translations. Roblox forced it on us and both regulars and members continue to fight against it. I know plenty of members who are in the top 1k devs group that are essentially forced to ask others for help because Roblox is pushing automated translations tests onto their games and essentially killing them.
Talking to people who have had access to the closed beta, this was the case. The engineers chose to ignore it and now are repaying it by actively taking feedback from the wider community in #feature-requests:talent-hub-features. Most of my requests there stem from talking to members and adding onto my own spin to it.
So you’re putting a post that had a short period of relevancy from over a year ago as an argument to why I am “one of them” while also assuming my intentions. The post was meant as a “hey, here’s how you can help yourself get better chances at being promoted” roughly 2-3 months before the plug was pulled on promotions. I even acknowledge that the information is outdated in the edit to the post. You’re stretching and making an argument in bad faith.
Your opinion is your own but as I said again, you’re stretching this to fit a narrative that isn’t even here.
I’m not gonna go into the post beyond the fact that the rules of #development-discussion is meant to harbor discussion and not opinionated rants. I agree that the Talent Hub is severely lacking but this isn’t how one goes about making change. You’ll probably try to tear me apart for this one but just go support any and all suggestions in relation to the talent hub if you haven’t already. Jed, the DET member that is the middleman for us, actively listens to any and all feedback about it (including all the rants in dev discussions) and already has pushed the deletion of the #collaboration category to March just from user feedback alone.
Dev Rel has said in the past that they’re highly considering removing ranks and just having everyone on an equal footing but I guess since we heard that they’re planning on relaunching promotions soon, they scrapped the idea. Also, post approval and community editors were the “true community reps” but because they’re unpaid volunteers with their own lives and jobs, it was discontinued cus it wasn’t scalable enough.
I think part of the problem of regulars not being “community reps” is simply because most of the people here see themselves more than they actually are and members villainizing everyone who are higher in rank just because they are regulars. I’ll be honest with you and tell you that I used to think the same as other regulars but talking more and more to the more sensible members turned me around. There are many problems that the DevForum has that the opening of the forums has caused or have been created by staff that are yet to addressed years later and it’s creating animosity between everyone for no reason other than ones wanting some worthless status and others thinking that no one else deserves it.
I think this will be my last response here as this topic has completely derailed from what it originally intended to be and it’s turning into one of those “everyone throws pitchforks at each other” loops that won’t break any time soon.
I will edit my post now, I was in a rush this morning and you were the first comment on my post, so I used you as the example.
Also, please stop arguing on my thread. This is a feature request, not a space to argue.
I will admit it’s pretty funny though
Sorry. I can’t be bothered to talk to you, you’re illiterate.
Every regular I’ve ever come into contact bar - meaning except - 1, now 2 including you (which I rescind) is x. Bar is an exception.
I fired everybody from the workplace, bar one man and one woman. (I fired everybody except a man and a woman.)
I’m just gonna drop a tl;dr, sorry.

They enter a state of delirium which makes them incapable of understanding or accepting other perspectives, leading them to often post passive-aggressive comments to bait people into calling them out so that they can cry to dev relations to see their opponent reprimanded.
I agree the some Regulars are like that, but the majority of them aren’t. Given that Regular promotions are paused, there are unarguably much more Members than Regulars. Regulars are formal. They are not oblivious or delirious. @Firebrand1 once gave me really good feedback on an unlisted post I made a while ago.
My point is that a small percent of the Regulars are what you describe them as. There are some Members that are much worse in many ways. Which makes your arguments much more weak.

Now keep in mind we are restricted from using a method of communication with roblox engineers/staff, while somebody who has lost the capacity to think logically is spreading dangerous ideas like this is allowed to speak their mind freely. Nobody in that section is outspoken or critical, they simply have well toned longus capitis from nodding so much.
Incorrect. If you message a member of the DET team, they’re respond to you in a few days. I recommend @TaipanVII who responds every single time I message him.

they’re all talented developers and I do sincerely hope that regular promotion opens up again to add to the pool of talent.

Regulars should be representatives of the regular roblox player - in my opinion at least - not people who talk on the forum all day.
At least half of the regulars don’t talk on the DevForum at all if they don’t need to.

My point is that everybody is so dismissive of the truth. The staff are underqualified, the quality control is underqualified and there’s just a constant cycle of yes men that nod their heads at every feature and idea that is brought forward.
Excluding Roblox Moderation, I disagree.

9/10 regulars are on a world of their own, totally disconnected from the player base and clueless to anything that goes on because they aren’t actually part of the wider roblox community, they just spammed posts to maintain a criteria and are rewarded with things that can be used to make a difference - but are given to people who cannot.
The thing is, do they need to be completely involved in the Roblox Community? Do they? Are they obligated to talk constantly to the player base everyday? NO.
If you’re not satisfied with that, the best sources you can go to for contact are Twitter and Discord.

The talent hub is a prime example, and most of the people who defend it on the posts against it are regulars.

I don’t want to shout out my own post or say I deserve better but an example of this is my post: which garnered a myriad of support from loads of users, most of which provided an even more solid argument than myself
._. I suggest you read my arguments that make yours look weak in my opinion.

I think roblox should simply demote all regulars or make the powers of the role redundant and make a new rank that is allowed to speak with moderation - based on the fact that they are community representatives, not people who talk a lot.
Couldn’t think of a more ignorant idea coming from a more ignorant person.
And you ignorant this reply. You’re more ignorant than the rest of the people in the thread.
Sorry for being harsh. I’m just tired of seeing trolls and karens on the DevForum.
If you want to continue, feel free to PM me and we can settle this nicely.
Are you insinuating I have some sort of problem with people ranking up because we have a higher rank and want to gatekeep?
I’ll remind you that I was once the lead of post approval, the only way through which people were able to rank up from member → regular before it was discontinued. I wouldn’t participate and spend significant effort (~5-10h week) on that if I didn’t care about people being able to rank up. We ranked up hundreds of people to Regular through post approval.
I have no problem whatsoever with people ranking up and posting in these categories. Just want to make sure Roblox tackles this in a way that is sustainable.

I would still agree with what I have said no matter if I’m a regular, visitor or completely ip banned from the forum. It’s not about some stupid role in a stupid forum, it’s about making sure that engineers don’t have to sift through crap instead of taking the time to help us. I am sorry that your egos doesn’t allow you to see it.
While the current (lack of) promotion system does prevent some of the crap from making it into the privileged sections, it also prevents some valid bug reports from being created. Currently I’m having an issue where RBXScriptConnections created by ModuleScripts will randomly disconnect whenever the event fires. I am unable to report this publicly and have messaged @Bug-Support about it, but they have not replied.

I am unable to report this publicly and have messaged @Bug-Support about it, but they have not replied.
Don’t quote me on this as I am not sure about this one but I believe Bug Support isn’t meant to be responded to but more than likely a private bug report space that just get sifted through by a team before it goes directly to engineering. I’ve heard this from so many people, I’d not be surprised if that was the case.
Again, please keep these replies clean! This is simple a feature request, not a place to argue!
Keeping it straight:
- Normal users should have access to bug reports and feature request. Not asking for access to lounge. iF they do this, it’s their choice.
Just dont argue. It’s pretty funny, but please, for everynody’s mental sanity take it to DM’s or Discord. Trust me, we dont want to see all of it.
I found out that at some point Roblox changed it.
I found this post somewhere, by a member in engine features.
August of 2020. Pretty close to the time they closed regular promotions
I think they should make it so Member’s can post in #bug-reports or any Bug Report category as long as they have like 30 or their posts must be approved.
Post Removal was removed and probably wont come back

I found this post somewhere, by a member in engine features.
I believe you can your post moved to #feature-requests if an admin decides to do so, so it could just be something like that.
PA was still around in August. It got removed in September
I dont remember much of it, so I’m probably wrong, but then they locked feature requests and bug reps down at the same time they took post approval away?