MemoryStoreSortedMap SortKey equivalent for OrderedDatastores

As a developer it’s currently annoying the fact that one can’t use an ordered datastore without a non-number value. When this is supported by MemoryStoreSortedMaps via SortKey.

This makes it annoying, as I have to store my sorted value separate from the rest of my data. For instance, I have a money value I store, and I want to also store session lock data with it. In order to do this I have to use 2 datastores, one normal for the session data and an ordered one for ordering so I can have a money leaderboard.

Having a MemoryStoreSortedMap Sortkey equivalent for OrderedDatastores would help significantly. As I wouldn’t have to use 2 datastores thus taking up essentially double the requests, vs just using a normal datastore alone.

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while i agree for the feature request that let us store some data along side the number value can be flexible, can you explain more on your current use case?

usually for a leaderboard, we store {key = userId, value = money} into OrderedDataStore
if we need the player data, we get the key as it is the user id, and we query the DataStore for their data, two requests in total like you described.

But what data stored along side the money can benefit you to save you one extra call for the player data?