Mesh corruption when importing meshes that are shaded smooth

When importing a lightsaber hilt with about 7k triangles, the mesh gets corrupted. However, when you import the mesh shaded flat, it’s perfectly fine. This has happened to other people in the past and it looks like there is no solution other than lowering the triangle count.
Flat(left) Smooth(right)

Expected behavior

The mesh imports as shown in blender/3d software.


That’s definitely strange looking but I’ve got a few questions:

  • Are you just selecting all Faces and using the Face tool tab selecting “Shade Smooth”, or are you using a Modifier?
  • Do you have internal faces joined between the shown external faces creating weird shading where those faces meet?
  • Have you selected all faces, then go to the Mesh tab, select the “Normals” tool, then select the “Reset Normals” tool?
  • What happens if you shade all faces smooth but select the edges that are supposed to be sharp and use the Edge tab tool “Mark Edges Sharp”?

Hey! Thanks for reporting the issue. Can you share the mesh that you are trying to import, so we can take a look?

Have you tried setting the RenderFidelity on your mesh to ‘Percise’ instead of '‘Automatic’ after importing it.

skywalker_hilt.obj (291.8 KB)
here it is, it doesn’t show it, but I used a bevel modifier

Thanks for sharing the file. I noticed is that most of the faces in this file seem to be inverted. That said, the file imports fine on my end without any errors.