Mesh Dome partially disappearing at distance, does not fully render until very close

When we delete enough of the lights in the room the bug no longer occurs, so it is likely related to too many lights being used in the area.

A MeshPart semi-transparent dome sitting at the top of a room in our game is not fully rendering. We are not aware of this issue occurring with any other Models/Meshes in either our live game or Studio.

Correctly loaded dome, viewed from above:

Correctly loaded dome, viewed from player height:

Bugged dome, viewed from below at the player’s height:

This bug can be reproduced in Studio by moving your camera below the floor of the room and then the center of the Mesh Dome will disappear. Once partially gone, the Mesh will not fully render until you move your camera about 3/4 of the way to the top of the room. As a player, it can also be reproduced about 50% of the time by walking out of the room and then walking back and looking up.

We tried:

  • Turning off Streaming Enabled in the Workspace
  • Removing the Texture on the Mesh
  • Creating a new Mesh Dome from scratch
  • Unchecking the “double-sided” property
  • Changing the Model LOD to Disabled
  • Changing the RenderFidelity to Precise
  • Turning off CastShadow for the Mesh

This bug occurs in both Studio and in the live game for >50% of players.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Thank you!

We deleted the lighting in this area today as a test and the Bug stopped occurring. We have quite a few point lights in this area and they appear to be involved in triggering the Bug.

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Thank you for your report! Could you please attach a repro placefile?


I’ve just started seeing this in a place that has a lot of Parts, Unions, and MeshParts.
Even items fairly close to the camera in Studio appear and disappear when you move the camera.

At first I thought is was because the showcase has a LOT of instances and my CPU was getting overloaded. Using the Task Manager on my computer shows that the CPU is only about 20% and the Memory is about 73% which seem normal from what I’m used to.

robloxapp-20241127-2341584.wmv (2.3 MB)

The video shows Parts, Unions, and MeshParts not rendering as I move the camera around. There are no issues like z-fighting going on and the items are still showing in the Explorer window.

The gold/yellow Part with the blue selectionbox (a railing) in the foreground is a long CanCollide Part with a CylinderMesh in it. The video is actually taken partially through the solid section of the Part.
When I move the camera forward so the railing is not in front and pan around the items mostly render properly.
It also happens in game which wrecks the experience. I mostly see it in the observatory house where the video was taken. It’s under the flat landing platform with the helicopter ship in this showcase:
Yeah, steampunk... - Roblox
System specs:

Screenshot 2024-11-28 000040

@JoeEStix do you have a transparent Part or a Roblox Cylinder or Block Mesh in that room? Is the Tree a MeshPart or a Roblox Mesh?
@neutrinostack I deleted the CylinderMesh from the railing parts and ALL my other Parts and Unions rendered normally again!
You may want to focus on BlockMeshes, CylinderMeshes, and SphereMeshes for what happened in my case.

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Hi @Scottifly - would you happen to have a minimum repro place file that we can use?
Thank you!

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Just info for anyone reading this I sent a repro file and a video to mrrblato to show what’s going on.
Here’s the video if you’re interested:
robloxapp-20241202-2120447.wmv (887.8 KB)

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Hi Scottifly,
Thank you for sending the file - we were able to repro and are looking into it!

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By any chance, can you share a placefile with meshes disappearing in Studio? Doesn’t have to be the whole place, the part that reproduces the issue will be more than enough. Thank you!

Sure, those were disappearing too. I’ll post it in a message to you later tonight.

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@polarporcupine it’s been fixed for me recently. I don’t know exactly when since I haven’t played or edited the place in in the past month. Unsure if it’s been solved for @JoeEStix.

I got a message from @ReallyCyan today who seems to have the same issue as I was with a place using SpecialMeshes. I’ll ask them to give a bit more information in a reply to this thread.


Yeah, it happens quite randomly and 100% of the time when I use certain abilities in my games which make use of special meshes with a decal where I set the color to 990 to make it brighter and also control the transparency, unsure if this leads to the behaviour, nevertheless very strange. Using special meshes in this way is very useful so it’d be great to have it potentially fixed. But yeah very random bug and don’t see it happen in other games. Additionally, with the VFX repro (vid above) it leads me to believe it could be potentially some sort of ambient occlusion issue with the VFX being in the way, not sure though!

I ma having issues with my Editable Meshes after the recent roblox update.

1 - The mesh that supposedly has over 4k vertices has turned into two giant triangles (as seen in the wireframe vision of the 2nd attached video.)
2 - All vertex updates do not reflect on the mesh
3 - The mesh plane dissapears (3rd video)


The bug has been reproduced in this small dummy place. (the 1rst video shows the bug happening)
editable_meshbug.rbxl (61.6 KB)


I’ll flag this for the team too, thanks for the report!


Hello! I tried to repro the bug but see the plane on my side. Can you check if this is the expected behavior?

Interesting, i tried again and still cant see it! what is this sorcery

Hello! Just wanted to follow up and let you know that we’ve identified this related scaling issue in the Editable repro file. We’ll flip the flag causing the issue as soon as possible!


We’ve released a fix for it. Please restart studio to apply it. Thank you!


God bless you and your team, completely fixed. cheers :champagne:


This has also stopped occurring for us!