Mesh don't retry if failed to load once

If a mesh fails to load then it no longers tries again later.
It simply doesnt load.

Here’s a picure of a headless player because roblox own headmesh didn’t load and now everyone is without a head.

Note: Adding another block with said mesh in it will not trigger a second loading attempt. The mesh just never tries again.


This bug also happens in studio, but it persists through play solo sessions!

It makes some sense to not retry within the same server, if the asset actually fails. For example, you can’t load denied decals, and Roblox should not retry every time it sees the decal again.

Roblox could check why the asset failed: if it’s because the connection was dropped or timed out, it could retry.

Were there any error messages in your console (F9)?

Just these a bloxton of these:
ContentProvider:Preload() failed for rbxassetid://498815096

You should remove that Preload function. It now only works for Image type.
I’ll investigate the reload problem.

I hardly ever use the Preload function, just for some images on intro screen. But not on meshes or anything…

I thought that error message is from that missing mesh. Thanks for your infomation. This might relates to other problems.

It seems I am quite alone in experiencing this.
I THINK I know why!

My game contains very many different meshes and textures. I have like 30 guns which have 7 different meshes (skins) each. Not to mention the other custom meshes like npc etc.
These skins are in replicated storage and therefore might cause the client to try preload all of them and fail?

Just trying to help find it.

I don’t think Roblox will preload items in replicated storage. It’s by design that mesh will not retry if failed to load. We need to find out why it failed to work this out.
Does this happen every time or only under bad network? Only happens to that head or to random mesh? I can’t reproduce this. It will be a great help if you could provide a test place.

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