Mesh Importing

What does this solve? Users can potentially see inappropriate content that way and this seems extremely impractical for content/game creators. And it doesn’t stop ripped models being uploaded to the website either, which is one of the major concerns with this feature request.

They just need to refine CSG to get rid of all the edge cases and find a solution for surfaces that occupy the same space. Once CSG becomes more usable and optimizations have been made to reduce the amount of vertices and triangles in the resulting operation, this feature request will become redundant.

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I completely agree with everything you said, but I neglected to expressly mention the most important part. I meant to add that Roblox employees are the ones who would create the meshes, not players. Players/Devs would only add the suggestions, like ‘drinking cups’ or ‘candles’, then when all votes are in, Roblox employees or interns would create the meshes and add them to the library.

I really don’t care about importing meshes, I’m mostly satisfied with what we have to work with, and new stuff is added all the time.


That would be a viable solution for the staff to produce a library of meshes for many common objects that we can vote on what we would want to see first.


This belongs in feature requests as its own topic though. I love this idea of voting on what utility meshes the admins should upload!! It’s your idea so you should post it and I’ll support


CAD = Computer Aided Design. Why isn’t blender also a CAD program?

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It implies MS Paint is also CAD software. CAD is generally for architecture, not artwork.

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Personally, I would expand that from architecture to any kind of engineering.


Honestly, I think this would ruin the aesthetic of ROBLOX.

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Keep in mind that some folks in this community want “aesthetic of ROBLOX” to be a meaningless phrase.

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And there are those of us who wish to preserve it.

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“aesthetic of ROBLOX” just means “legos and minecraft.” it should be allowed to improve to a professional level.

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User meshes would probably end a lot differently than you’d expect @1waffle1. A few power developers would be able to create some cool looking stuff, but the majority of the time the feature was used, it’d be to use meshes ripped from other games, creating a big, unorganized mess. It’s one thing to have games that try to imitate professional games or ones that haven’t had any effort put into them, but plastering assets ripped straight from other games across every ROBLOX game would not be good for ROBLOX. I don’t necessarily care one way or the other for the “ROBLOX aesthetic”, but I wouldn’t like to see a drastic drop in the overall quality of games just so we could have a tiny number of professional-level games. From a game player’s perspective, if I want to play a professional game, I’d be just as happy playing an actual professional game outside of ROBLOX – I wouldn’t want ROBLOX games overall to take a hit to their quality to get something I already have access to.

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Actually CAD programs are used just as much for mechanical and civil engineering as well.

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In an ideal environment, no game should be forced to a single aesthetic. Every game should be unique and have their own aesthetic regardless of whether that appeals to the ‘ROBLOX aesthetic’ or not.

It seems rather ridiculous to want to force games into an aesthetic just because you like it. You don’t see me wishing every game that comes out fit a certain aesthetic. Why should ROBLOX developers be forced to fit an aesthetic for those who like it? If you don’t like the game, don’t play it.