Mesh texture creates lines when zoomed out

When the camera gets farther away from a mesh, jagged black lines start to appear on the texture.
This occurs on both sides of the mesh, but the pictures show the worse side.

Up Close

Farther Away


That might be because either the mesh has some sort of lines and you never smoothed it out. Or It could be something else, that’s messing with the meshes texture. I’m not too sure honestly I am a modeler but, I’m not advanced, or medium, I’m just new at modeling. So, I have no clue exactly, but it might be because the mesh is not using shade smooth, and is using shade rough, or something like that.


Shade smooth gets rid of the blocky look of the mesh, and I want to keep that. Is there a different way?

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I’m not too sure it also could be just the lighting of roblox studio because it did get dark and have a shadow.

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So maybe remove global shadows and it might work or might not. I’m not too sure.

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How do you remove global shadows?

Edit: Never mind, I figured out how to do it and it doesn’t change anything.

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Oof, hmmm I’m not too sure did you try looking it up on youtube possibly how to fix it? Because, a lot of developers on youtube usually upload fixes to things on roblox, and all. So, if you do that maybe it’ll work with Youtube. Because, I’m not a professional modeler, or any of that. I’m just a newer modeler.

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I’ll continue my search for a fix on Youtube

Update: I’ve narrowed it down to it being a texture issue, and not a mesh issue.

Problem resolved. This program fixes the lines: Pixelfix: Remove the black edges on scaled images

Well, that’s good to know! For future reference. I’ll remember this I’m glad you figured it all out.

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