Meshes are sligtly positioned incorrectly in Games, but not in Studio

Since the end of last week, we noticed increasing reports of users that our road meshes are not placed correctly.
The placement ingame has changed just a tiny bit (less than 0.1 Studs) without us performing any game update.
Not every user seems to be affected, and sometimes different road meshes are affected - its really weird.

After investigating the issue on our development place (EH Development - Roblox), we noticed the following:

How it looks Ingame (You notice the bump):

How it looks in Studio (You notice its flat):

Yes, the road meshes are anchored at all times, and the screenshots taken are from exactly the same place version. I have absolutely no clue why this is happening, it seems to come and go away from time to time - maybe a rendering issue?

Thanks for investigating - let me know if you need anything.
~ Felix


Im not a professional here but wdym by Module, are you using a ModuleScript to place them or smth?

Btw i was a huge fan of this game! Keep up the great work!

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I changed my post to clarify it, with the term “Module” i mean the MeshPart of the road. Basically each road structure (straight road, intersection, curved road) is called a Road Module.

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Ah i get it now. Thanks Felix! But idk how to fix this problem, i will search the internet for any problem like this

I have been searching for a bit and maybe the RenderFidelity is set to smth like Automatic?

Maybe use a script to print the part positions 10 seconds after the place loads to check if the parts are actually moving or if it’s some sort of other rendering issue.

If Nothing results then maybe its some roblox bug, roblox is a bit annoying when it comes to perfection!

Seems like i dont have the problem…

You can barely see it, but this line that devides the Gas Station Parking Lot with the road is where the problem occurs.

If your really annoyed by this or want this gone then Message me in the future or just on invite me to studio idk (Main User account: “packtheo21”)

If you print(game.Selection:Get()[1].CFrame) in the command bar for some of these parts, what do you get? Do you get exactly aligned orientations or ones with some error?

The gameplay replicator does not send orientations in as high a fidelity format as the Studio editor (which uses full precision even if you’re getting the content from a Team Create server). This can matter if you have exceedingly long thin objects, creating misalignment at their ends.

If you see them having slightly misaligned rotations when doing the print, try resetting them to being exactly aligned and see if that helps.


Can you confirm you are on the latest studio and desktop client version? Thanks!

Hi, we’ve released a fix for this. Please restart your studio client to see if it works. If it doesn’t, please let me know. Thanks for reporting!

Please post the future discussion to this post. Thank you!


Yes, the issue seems to be fixed. However, I do want to note that this issue occurred ingame too and not only in Roblox Studio.

Thank you!

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Thanks for confirming!

Yes, this information you provided in the original post helped us a lot to narrow it down quickly. Thanks a lot!