Studio Bugs: Most Recent Studio Update Corrupts Already Imported Meshes

Recent Studio Update as of 3/3/2025 has corrupted meshes in a Team Create place.

Uninstalling Studio and reinstalling Studio resolves this issue but upon automatically updating to the current version as of the date of 3/3/2025, meshes become corrupted.

Meshes are already pre triangulated before import, below the triangle limit and have been fine for months/years. Changing Render Fidelity to precise does not resolve the issue.

Expected behavior

I expect my meshes not to suddenly corrupt themselves with a new studio update.


I’m pretty sure this was actually due to a bug fix that went out as a result of this report:

… but there’s been lots of reports similar to yours, so not sure what stance engineers are taking on whether or not to revert these changes. Hopefully the one I quoted can respond with some advice :slightly_smiling_face:

It is incredibly annoying and a massive setback for a years long project at the moment. I uninstall studio and reinstall, it’s fine, but the moment I click update available, or close studio and it auto-updates it ruins all the meshes.

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Poseibly, could you share your settings from the Rendering tab in Studio?


Thanks for reporting! Do you see the same issue in client?

Can you provide some details of uninstalling studio and reinstalling studio resolves this issue? What Studio version were you uninstalling? What Studio version were you reinstalling? Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply!

In client, the issue does not arrive! Everything is as it should be.

as for uninstalling and reinstalling Studio is where it gets weird.

I reinstall Studio from the RobloxStudioInstaller I downloaded, which is said to be version Studio is installed, no issue, but in the ribbon there is the update available visible. Now before either clicking the update available, or closing studio and it auto updates, the version says its 0.662.0.6620538.

Yet after updating, the version number remains unchanged, but the issue arises.

Can you send me a screenshot of FILE-About Roblox Studio? If possible, for both studio. Thanks!

Do you mean this one?

For before uninstall and post reinstall, it is the same eitherway

Started happening for Prior Extinction as well. Very annoying, because we can’t tell if it’s our meshes that are broken, or Roblox messing about!

Hi, we’ve released a fix for this. Please restart your studio client to see if it works. If it doesn’t, please let me know. Thanks again for reporting!

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Just updated studio - Now it works here.

Thanks, Panda!

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Can also confirmed, fixed! Thank you!

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Could you share the place file for further investigation? Thanks!

Hi @Jaco2811, could you share the place file for further investigation? Thanks!