MeshPart to Terrain Plugin

I remade this plugin from the ground up and the new post for it is here


Updated with the ability to generate wedgeparts instead if you prefer


Really awesome plugin, would 100/10 most definitely recommend!

(The trees and lighting are for effects)


ohmygod this is actually a lifesaver to me, this gives me ideas to make terrain stuff on blender and then port it using this, tysm


Hello, I’ve spotted a bug during my time using the plugin:

If the target object is too large for the plugin to handle then it would throw a “region is too large” error and the “Generating” dialogue would stick on the screen and will not disappear unless I reopen the place.

But other than that this is truly a life (and time) saver for me!

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That should only happen if you choose air as your target material. I’ll make the air material better at some point

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in my humble ignorance
Why does the plugin need access to these websites? Its the first time I see a plugin asking for this

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This is how it downloads the mesh data, it won’t work without it

Hey, is this still working? Nothing happens when I click the plugin icon… no GUI or anything

roblox bug did you restart studio

Uh… It’s kinda stuck on this “Generating” screen

but i think it’s because of this

You’re going to have to give me more information than that

that’s the only info i have lol

edit : it only happens when i generate with terrain

edit 2 : terrain generates but the generating screen stays infinitely