Mesh/Union (?) Collisions are breaking across multiple games

Here’s a video:

Users are running into and walking on top of imaginary walls. We think it might be related to mesh or union collisions but cannot confirm. We’ve yet to find a server like this but it’s widespread enough for us to be getting constant reports. So far reports seem to be related to Mobile.

We began getting reports a few hours ago today. Some users are saying that it was fixed when they rejoined later. Unsure if this means that some servers are unaffected or if the problem was resolved by the time they rejoined. My latest report comes just a half hour ago.


Hi, we’ve reverted a few flags. Can you ask the player to restart their Roblox APP to see if they can still repro the issue? Thank you!

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Can you give a rough estimate of when this issue started?

From what I’m hearing, this has been resolved. Edit: Do we need to shutdown servers?
Additional reports came in from PC so it wasn’t just mobile. Most mentioned a rejoin is fixing it. Though maybe this is just placing them in a working server if this is per-server.


I would roughly place this beginning today May 1st around 3pm PST.


I’m still currently having this issue on Mac/PC.

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Gah. I’ve just hit Shutdown on servers. Would you see if it’s still around? They should all be fresh now. Not sure if I needed to shut down or not.


Just tried on two different severs and working perfect now! That was a pretty fast fix.

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Thanks so much for popping in here and then verifying.

This issue is fixed after a Shutdown-All on servers.

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Players in a game of mine started reporting this issue way back, the first report being received on the 26th of last month. It seemed like a moderately trivial issue and wasn’t affecting any other games that I knew of, but I guess it’s gotten worse (unless it’s a separate issue?). We’ve had reports of this from both mobile and PC users so I don’t think the issue is isolated to a certain device type.

@subcritical Hope this information is helpful.


Discord makes attachments expire after 1 day now :sad:
In the future you may want to sue something else for attachments.

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Issue resolved. Our sincere apologies as this was a problem related to a recent change we made to prepare for our Live Event. We had a race condition within our collision groups. Thank you to Roblox for sending us the debug file. This is more than we could ever ask from you and I wish this wasn’t a goose chase on your end. Thank you all.


Really interesting - I guess my problem was a different one then.

I did notice in your repro videos that the invisible objects players were colliding with seemed to be very flat and more part-like compared to the videos sent in by my own players. Any idea of what my issue is? @APandaPoet

Hi @bvetterdays, we did look into your game but we weren’t able to find anything suspicious. Do you continue receive reports for this issue? Please create another thread if so. We will take it from there. Thank you!

Thanks a lot - no, haven’t had any more reports recently but was just wondering. Maybe the rolled back flags solved it if it was a bug. Will let you know if it happens again - thanks!