Messaging Service: Service Disconnected

Some background for this issue, the lobby for Neo Warfare X has existed since late July and we haven’t experienced this issue until around a week ago, when it started becoming more and more common. The lobby is being plagued by this issue randomly, the only solution we have found is just to shut down that lobby instance forcing a new one which works without issue. This isn’t the only game which faces this issue, Stardust who uses a similar lobby system with MessagingService has the same issue with the same solution. The posts that we could find about this issue were either user fault or unrelated, ex. MessagingService not working in studio, but this occurs on live games. This error seems to happen randomly, we haven’t observed a pattern in them and they aren’t instant, the only way to tell it happened is when the server lists are blank.
This issue is really annoying as it can happen at any time and there isn’t always someone available to shut down the broken lobby and it can obviously affects player counts.

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