Micro Velocity [Racing Game]

We need some feedback and suggestions right now nothing to say anymore :slight_smile:


Simply press Play on Main Menu then,
Either create your own lobby and wait for some players to join your lobby and race
Join a lobby that already exists and race
At least 2 players must be in the same lobby to race

The race starts after the countdown on the lobby reaches 0 (it starts from 30 seconds)

It’s impossible to play since you have to create a lobby then wait for 2 other random people to join.


It is a race so far, soon i will add a time trial racing that then you can also race solo without having to wait anybody else to join you

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Is this actually necessary? I don’t think I should have wait seconds to go to parts of the menu.

No, i was using it for some tests i needed to do before, soon they will be changed too

Now you can also race alone :slight_smile:

After testing it alone, I saw a slight delay between input and reaction of the car. Seemed like the issue was that your car wasn’t locally managed.

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Mixed feelings :confused:

UI is… alright? It’s different and kinda cool but I also think the flat, pale, toy-ish color scheme looks kinda boring, mundane and old af. If you change some colours and maybe splash in some gradients [or not] it might look a lot more lively. It sucks because I think other aspects of the UI are ruined by the colours and it really has the potential to shine.

As for the building, everything looks cool and immersive. From the cars to the tracks it doesn’t look too much like ‘just-Roblox’ which is cool. It also looks kinda cheap at the same time? Idk, it’s Roblox so it’s current state is more than fine. Good job here :+1:

Your cut-scenes at the beginning of a race are too long and choppy. You have two solutions:

Solution 1
Make sure if you’re lerping, that the distance the camera moves [per unit of time] is consistent regardless of the distance between the 2 points you’re lerping between. On top of that, I think you’re not lerping rotation? Idk but you gotta smooth it out a little.

Solution 2
Have simpler/shorter cut-scenes for each track. Instead of showing off the whole track and tweening through it all, do little clips of the camera tweening across interesting parts of the track or far out to show the whole track at once. Since it’ll be simple lerps between 2 points it’ll eliminate your choppy speed and rotating issues and since it’s shorter it won’t bore the player waiting for the race to start and can be genuinely cool to watch.

The controls… I despise them. I suck at games, right, so what I say might not be much to go by but I feel like the controls just suck. It doesn’t feel responsive enough especially for little mini-RC cars that should be whizzing around and making unrealistic sharp turns and stuff. They seem light enough [like tip over and stuff] and that’s good but I think that they need to be more responsive in terms of steering especially. To me it was unplayable and I couldn’t stay on the track and gave up in less than half a minute and just drove around aimlessly.

As a child I use to play this game called “RC Laser Warrior”. Despite it looking $#!£, I loved it because it had epic controls! I loved flying through the map feeling lightweight and skilled. It might be too late to incorporate their map design and controls into your game now but maybe you can borrow some useful things.

Here’s footage of the game [They also have good, short cut-scenes that won’t bore me before each round]:

Cool game, good luck! :slightly_smiling_face:

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For the cutscenes if you press enter you get ready, if all racers are ready the cutscene then stops playing

But i will take into considiration to what you said so far and try my best to improve it, thank you for your suggestions :slight_smile:

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I think all games that doesn’t use roblox physics, atleast to some degree, feels stiff.


Its seems like there are some collision issues with either unions or meshes. In the tunnel, for example, about a fourth of each side of the road is blocked by an invisible wall that you hit for no reason. In addition, the dotted line isn’t centered in some of the tunnels, so on one side of it you have a lot of room and won’t hit the invisible wall, while on the other side you basically hit it just past the line. In addition, the jump down on the skateboard seems odd, with the car switching between a slow glide down and random drops down. Not sure if that is a collision issue or a falling physics issue. In either case, the car seems like it is flying more than driving down a ramp.

Speaking of ramps and tunnel, there is one boosted ramp inside the tunnel that basically throws you into a wall after the jump and you have no time to slow down for the turn after you land. Like you literally hit the wall while still in the air… And when you do slow down, the car seems to turn to the opposite direction that you want it to while braking

The respawn thing should either force you to respawn or not change the camera. Once off the skateboard jump I landed on the edge of the track but it gave me the respawn GUI, but I was still on the track. But I had to respawn because the change in camera made it impossible to drive, so why have it be optional if it forces you to do it?.

Oil feels too powerful. On some sections where there is a bottle neck you can literally block the entire track with it, and in the tunnel sections you can blocks the corners, making in nearly impossible to miss. In addition, the spinning animation takes to long and, in the tunnels, if you place it right the player will spin in it, get knocked into the wall, and then need to spin in it again to drive away.

Lastly, it took me 5-6 laps to complete a 2 lap race. I lost count exactly on how many.

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The low-res textures and clashing shading/style of the map/vehicle is really throwing me off. I also don’t like how unresponsive my controls are. I hope that you can fix these things and make the game much better.

About ui, could you suggest me some color palletes because i can not decide any D:

Oh gosh, good thing i relaesed this to public for tests xD Everything will be taken into considiration

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seems good so far, very nice map and I encountered no problems with the script, my only suggestion would be to make it so that steering would be more responsive, but maybe that’s just me :3

Keep up the good work!

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I will get the car work locally, right now it is handled in server so that should be the cause of its unresbonsibility. I have some ideas on my mind on how to do it but, do you guys would suggest me some tips? I want all the cars be managed locally and nothing would be on server about cars

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This should be all you need to handle the cars locally:

You should have some checks against exploiting since if you set the car’s physics to be handled locally then it’ll be stupidly easy for exploiters to turn their cars into rockets or whatever. Just make sure the average velocity is within the range of the car’s max speed or something.

Nope, this is no helpful at all :smiley:

But i am really happy of my progress to locallise the cars so far :smile:
Soon it will be all locally managed and the controls will be totally smooth :heart:

Tell me about this now:

Could not record more because im using gyazo lite version … but yeah
As you see nothing in server, everything is locally managed


Locally Movement [CHECK]
Locally Collisions
Locally Powerups
Release it on actual place

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scroll down a titch

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