Migration to Shorelines and Old Water Deprecation

if you haven’t done much work since id just revert the game to an older version prior to updating

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That’s the issue is I’ve put about 30hrs into the game since

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Water as a material is a very frequent request we are tracking and that we keep in mind in our conversations about evolving our systems. However, we’re currently focused on other priorities and we don’t have anything to announce on that front for now.


Thanks for reporting this issue. I’m following up with engineering so we can try and find a way you could do the upgrade again. We’ll circle back asap.

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@moonrisethepony Would you be willing to share a placefile reproducing this issue with us, please (DM: me & @hyperhumanist)? This would help us track your issue and understand what is happening. :pray:

Hi Creators!

We’ve started Phase 1 of the Migration to Shorelines. All places that don’t have water are now using Shorelines. This migration should not have caused any visual impact to the migrated places.

The remaining places that are using water will be migrated to Shorelines on September 16th, as announced below. We encourage creators who own places with water to upgrade their place with Shorelines as soon as possible for a seamless transition.

Let us know if you encounter any issues or if you have any questions about the migration!


I’ve got the same issue as moonrisethepony. But even without upgrading, the changes to water shorelines have impacted on the water in my game and I have issues with terrain occupancy. See my post further below. The changes to water occupancy happened a couple of days ago. Everything worked fine before that. Now both Roblox Studio and Player are affected.

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I have found an issue with the new rollout and was wondering if it could be fixed because it has messed up parts of a game I’m working on.

The way voxel occupancy works with the new water has changed and doesn’t work the way that it used to. For example, with the code below, it used to create a skinny vertical pole of water.

local region = Region3.new(Vector3.new(0,0,0), Vector3.new(4,40,4))
region = region:ExpandToGrid(4)

local function create3dTable(size)
	local ret = {}
	for x = 1, size.X do
		ret[x] = {}
		for y = 1, size.Y do
			ret[x][y] = {}
	return ret

local material = create3dTable(Vector3.new(1,10,1))
local occupancy = create3dTable(Vector3.new(1,10,1))

for i = 1,10 do
		material[1][i][1] = Enum.Material.Water
		occupancy[1][i][1] = 0.2

game.Workspace.Terrain:WriteVoxels(region, 4, material, occupancy)


Now it doesn’t have any effect on the width of the vertical pole, but it does create a point at the top.
Water Pole- Thick

Also, in the past, if the code was changed so the pole extended sideways into the X or Z axis, instead of creating a skinny pole, it used to create a water blade like this. The example below is for a shorter version.


Now if I take the above code and extend it sideways in either the X or Z direction to create a water blade, it now creates a sideways pole instead.

local region = Region3.new(Vector3.new(0,0,0), Vector3.new(40,4,4))
region = region:ExpandToGrid(4)

local function create3dTable(size)
	local ret = {}
	for x = 1, size.X do
		ret[x] = {}
		for y = 1, size.Y do
			ret[x][y] = {}
	return ret

local material = create3dTable(Vector3.new(10,1,1))
local occupancy = create3dTable(Vector3.new(10,1,1))

for i = 1,10 do
	material[i][1][1] = Enum.Material.Water
	occupancy[i][1][1] = 0.2

game.Workspace.Terrain:WriteVoxels(region, 4, material, occupancy)

Sideways pole- lower res

Although I’ve seen games with water blades which will be messed up if the water is converted to poles, I rather like the sideways poles now. But it would be good to be able to create both a blade or a pole.

What I really need is for the occupancy to be properly restored for the Y axis for vertical poles so I can create things like this again:

With the new water change, I have no flexibility at all over the width (occupancy) of the water in the Y direction. It has a single uniform thickness that can’t be altered except at the voxel level:

Can the occupancy of the Y axis please be fixed? And is it possible to have occupancy settings so that both blades and poles can be created?


The vertical spikes, that might be some bug, not really sure, will look into that and get back to you.

For the horizontal one, where you want a blade instead of spike, I am afraid that what you had before was caused by a bug in old water, which we fixed. The spike is the expected form. It’s the same bug that I posted about up here in the thread, on Jun 12th.

Hi hyperhumanist.

Thanks for letting me know. In my opinion, the sideways water poles are actually way better than the blades and I can do so much more with them. So I’m glad they’ve been fixed.

Something else that needs looking into is the FillBall when used with water. It may be that if the occupancy on the Y axis is fixed, it may fix the FillBall issue below. But if not, can you please also look into it?

In the past, the FillBall made of water was much rounder and smoother and looked much more like an actual ball. It still had strange geometric parts at the top and bottom but to me still looked pretty good. Here’s an example:

local fillBall = game.Workspace.Terrain:FillBall(Vector3.new(20,40,0),36, Enum.Material.Water)

Now, the same code produces a water ball which has lost its smoother round appearance. Instead, the sides now have flat circles on 4 sides that make the ball look like it’s been sitting inside a square box. There are also depressions surrounding these 4 circles that look odd and not very appealing.

FillBall Now

If I do any sculpting using the water FillBall or look at previous sculpted water shapes, they no longer have the same nice roundness but end up with odd flat sides in parts.

If the water-filled FillBall could also be looked at and fixed, that would also be great.

In the old version, I am getting something way more blocky than in the new one. Here’s what it looks like to me when I execute your code (old vs new):

I understand you are looking at the underside, which is a bit different. So yes, this is still not perfect, but is on average better than before. I will first look into the vertical spikes issue and see whether that can be fixed and if the fix for that will help here.

Thanks for the repros!

Hi Hyperhumanist.

Sorry for the confusion. For the old version, I actually posted a picture of a larger diameter FillBall which does look smoother because it is so much larger. I’ve inserted the correct one below. The older version definitely looked more blocky near the top and bottom. But the middle section surrounding the equator was much smoother in the older version and it looked much smoother no matter what side angle it was viewed from.

In contrast, what you’ve shown in your screen shot of new version captures the issue I was trying to illustrate, but it looks worse depending on the angle you’re on. So although the top of the FillBall looks less blocky in the new version, along the equator section it has odd bits sticking out on 4 sides which spoils the spherical effect. I’ve illustrated it below with a labelled version of your picture. Then below that is a higher angle to show the flat-faced protruding sides more clearly. These new side bits spoil the spherical effect on the sides so the sides no longer look as good as they did before. This also has an negative impact when sculpting curved shapes using water FillBalls.

Hyperhumanist's FillBall Now-Labelled

Here is the top view in Roblox studio now.

FillBall now- Oblique Angle- Labelled

This is the FillBall issue I’m hoping will be fixed if the other Y axis occupation is fixed. But if it is a separate issue, is it possible for the equator to be fixed on water FillBalls? It also looks like a similar issue affects the top and bottom of the water fillBall. So if the sides (equator) can be made more spherical like in the past, then perhaps the top and bottom can be made more spherical too which would be great!

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Yes, I saw those flat bits. I was basically saying it’s now broken differently than before, and that is a side effect of some other fixes. Long term my “personal mission” is to make all the terrain, including water as smooth as theoretically possible. Then again, that’s what I would like to do. What will time and other tasks permit, and when that can be done, that’s a different story. For now, we need to wrap up the shorelines as best as possible, even if some things like this are just “differently broken”. It’s not like they were “good” before.

I will try to fix the the vertical spike problem first and then we’ll see how to proceed.

Cool. Yes, differently broken but partly fixed. Thanks a lot for taking the time to look into it. I’m glad the horizontal occupancy is fixed for now. I already have a lot of ideas for how I’ll use horizontal poles for sculpting.

Good news: The non-smoothness of the sphere is caused by the same problem that causes the vertical spikes to always be 4 studs thick. I hope to have a fix in one of the upcoming updates, unless some new problem appears with it. Thanks again for reporting this!

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No worries. That is good news! Thanks for letting me know and for following up on this. I look forward to checking out the update when it comes out!

When upgrading to the new shorelines, i’ve noticed water showed up at the bottom of the map when viewing it from far away.

It makes it not possible to see the easter eggs i put under the map…

Is there a way this can get fixed?

@rickje139 Are you able to edit the the terrain to patch this up? Fixing the water problems had the inevitable consequence that some voxel placements will change a bit. The upgrader tries to accommodate automatically for the most common cases, but can’t handle all the special cases.

Also, this might indicate that the solid at the bottom of the “lake”/“sea” is probably very thin. I would recommend making it a bit thicker to prevent eventual problems similar to this in further LODs.

I am not sadly, i tried removing some water but it seems i have to thicken the entire terrain in order to get rid of the artifacts but that requires me to re-build the entire terrain map basically because everything would be different.

the terrain is already quite thick except for 1 area.

For most of the area i have to delete the water thats inside of the grass terrain cells somehow in order to get rid of the artifact but this is very time consuming and difficult to do because some areas are thin and others are not.

@Psychojake2 the non-smoothness and the thick spikes should be fixed now. The change has just finish rolling out. PLMK if you still see the issues.