Voxel Occupancy missing in New Shorelines Which Creates Terrain Issues

G’day everyone.

I hope I’ve put this in the correct category as it covers a few categories in this forum.

I’m working on a game that involves scripting terrain and uses occupancy values. I use scripts for generating interactive changes to terrain in-game. The new shorelines migration has really messed up some of my water terrain. The issue is with the voxel occupancy.

Is it possible that Occupancy has been removed from the new water shorelines update (or forgotten about)? If so, can it please be brought back/included?

To give you an idea of what’s been going on for the last 2-3 days, in the first image below, it shows some water poles I created a long time ago using a script with an occupancy of 0.2 to turn water pillars into skinny poles.

Now the exact same script does this below which is definitely NOT what I want.

Here is the script for the poles above:

–Water Pole Array Script
for a = 0,40,8 do
for b = 0,40,8 do
local region = Region3.new(Vector3.new(a,0,b), Vector3.new(a+4,40,b+4))
region = region:ExpandToGrid(4)

	local function create3dTable(size)
		local ret = {}
		for x = 1, size.X do
			ret[x] = {}
			for y = 1, size.Y do
				ret[x][y] = {}
		return ret

	local material = create3dTable(Vector3.new(1,10,1))
	local occupancy = create3dTable(Vector3.new(1,10,1))

	for i = 1,10 do
			material[1][i][1] = Enum.Material.Water
			occupancy[1][i][1] = 0.2

	game.Workspace.Terrain:WriteVoxels(region, 4, material, occupancy)



(Sorry, I can’t work out how to properly format the entire code here)

I have quite a few sculpted terrain regions that rely on this modelling of occupancy. So if there is a way to modify scripts or a setting somewhere to restore the proper use of occupancy, that would be great!

If there is no way to fix the script or use occupancy anymore, is it possible to leave the old water as an option for people who want to stick with it? For some features, new is not always better. In my case, the new update ruins some aspects of my game and is a big downer unless occupancy can be fixed.

One other thing, I’m making the assumption that the new shorelines migration has caused this issue. I previously declined the upgrade to the new shorelines and now the upgrade option is no longer available in my create tab. So I can’t actually upgrade. My problem is similar to this one:

BUT, in spite of the fact that I did not upgrade, the water occupancy has changed over the last 2-3 days and no longer functions as it always has. This coincides with the post below

Migration to Shorelines and Old Water Deprecation - #64 by LightBeamRays

So there seems to be a clear connection.

Another thing, the occupancy issue is also messing with the FillBall() function. There are a few tricks I use when sculpting using FillBall() and now those tricks are useless and sculpting work I’ve done using FillBall() looks messed up.

I’ve looked at this very closely and have found that the issue is actually a little different to what I thought. I have posted here about it instead: