Military Overhead Interface


This release is a part of my development studio release of all products. I highly recommend to check out the other products I released.

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A dynamic user interface designed specifically for military-related groups, offering a blend of functionality and visual appeal. Its sleek design with advanced details creates a professional and polished experience. Featuring an animated division tag that prominently displays both the user’s division and division rank, this highly customizable product allows for personalized colors, icons, and more. Make sure to watch the linked video for a comprehensive demonstration of this exceptional offering.


  • Fully scripted.
  • Simple and clean design.
  • Easy to configure.
  • Animated division rank.




While setting this up you need to put the following scripts in the following places:

OverheadHandler - ServerScriptService


If you encounter any difficulties with the system, feel free to utilize this post as a means of supporting each other. While I won’t be able to offer frequent assistance, I might drop in occasionally to lend a helping hand.


Military Overhead Interface - Roblox


The 2 top text are too big and the distance is too much. Would also be better to add a small seperator to make it look not soo boring.


The overhead system always appear as civilian even when I already set it up

Hello? U still there, I really need your help.

Please send me a picture of your configuration.

How did you set up your country? What is the country that is selected in the photos you have attached?

You set it up via the configuration.

The “country” you see there is actually not Romania it’s a United States Army command called TRADOC. I took their picture and uploaded it via Roblox creator page then changed the id in the configuration.

What are the odds. Well, great resource! Will be sure to use it if I make a military game!

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Here it is.

I did change the group id but it still show this.

The problem is most likely that you added your group id but didn’t add any divisions. To avoid the civilian tag, you must also add your primary group as a division. Adding division is part of the process of setting things up. If this fails, please reply with your configuration and error logs.

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Alright, I’ll try it out and hopefully it’ll work.

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It worked! Thanks for your help.