Minimum Ad Credit Amount to Get Recognized by Algorithm

Hey Developers! Over the past few months I’ve been studying game design and how to keep players playing your game; however, I don’t know how to get players in your game in the first place. I know you could use social media but that’s optimal for unique game ideas and I’m just making a simple tyccon based on a popular topic.

This brings me to ads. I’ve seen many simpler games like Dropper Incremental hit the algorithm but I understand that Roblox needs a good amount of data to pick up on these games. The only information I could currently find on the minimum price to spend on ads is in a video about the old advertising system.

My question is, how many ad credits do you need (and how should you spread them out across time) to get picked up by the algorithm? Additionally, what ad type do you think is best?

(Couldn’t find info on any this on the DevForum)

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