Miscellaneous Questions category

I recently made a post about how I got lost in studio. Luckily everyone who responded helped a lot. I pressed f and teleported back to my part.

But it got flagged. And that’s why I’m here now with a new suggestion: a Miscellaneous Questions category! It could be for all of the studio questions that don’t fit in any category like “How do I get back to where I was?” or “I’m new how do I navigate studio?” or “What’s the difference between publish, publish as, save, and save as?”


I recommend supporting this feature request:


I second this. This seems like a really good feature.


Yes, I agree, my posts get flagged every so often because I can’t find the right channel to put my post in or someone just flags it in general which really makes me unhappy!
I made a post earlier as well that was a development discussion and it got flagged even though a good 8 people responded and I checked if it was relevant.

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